European Comics in Official and Fan Translations


Hubert Boulard

Hubert Boulard

Hubert (Hubert Boulard in 1971 in Saint-Renan) is a French colorist and scriptwriter.

Graduate of the School of Fine Arts in Angers, he quickly changed the path to comics.

As a colorist he worked with Yoann and Omond (Ninie Rezergoude, La Voleuse du Père Fauteuil), Corbeyran (Le Clan des chimères), Richard Malka and Paul Gillon (L’ordre de Cicéron), David B (Par les Chemins Noirs) and Jason.

In parallel, he began a career as a screenwriter in 2002 with the publication of the Legacy of the Alchemist/Legs de l'alchimiste(with Hervé Tanquerelle) and Green Eyes/Yeux Verts (with Zanzim).

But only with Miss Pas Touche, drawn by Kerascoët and published by Dargaud, the bacame known by a wider audience.

Since then, Hubert has multiply collaborations with Ohm, Etienne Le Roux, Marie Caillou, Virginia Augustin, and Bertrand Gatignol.

In 2015, he received the Jacques Lob Award for all his scriptwriting work.