Henri Reculé

Henri Reculé was born in 1970 in his mother's native country of Chile, which he later left for Belgium, his father's homeland, at the age of 14.
He took illustration classes there at the Saint-Luc Institute in Liège, the result of which was a full album, Le Grand Veneur, created with Jean-Luc Sala as a final study project. This collaboration won them a competition held by Le Lombard, which allowed the pair to publish La Légende de Kynan (Le Lombard, 1993), their first professional album. This was the beginning of a fruitful collaboration between Reculé and the publisher, which was solidified with the five-volume series Castel Armer, an epic for which Reculé took charge of both the art and script.
He then met Stephen Desberg, with whom he would go on to publish a number of series, beginning with the two-part Le Crépuscule des Anges (Casterman), and then Les Immortels (Glénat). The pair of them continued their collaboration with Le Lombard with the historical thriller Cassio (2007; Europe Comics in English 2018), the adaptation Le Dernier livre de la jungle (The Last Jungle Book, Europe Comics 2016), and the espionage adventure series Jack Wolfgang (2017, Europe Comics in English 2018).