European Comics in Official and Fan Translations


Joris Chamblain

Joris Chamblain

Joris Chamblain was born on January 29, 1984.

He stumbled into graphic novels when he was very little and decided at an early age that this would be his career. During his teens, he tested his chops on running a fanzine for six years. At that point, drawing stepped aside for writing.

In 2009, he wrote essays for the Ciboulot collection from Bac@Bd publishing. A year later, in October 2010, his first book, Le Recherche d’emploi (Job Hunting), with art by Tyffenn Guerveno and Hélène Lenoble, was published as part of that collection.

In 2011, he created two new projects: Les Carnets de Cerise (Cici’s Journal) with Aurélie Neyret from the Métamorphose imprint of Soleil (released in September 2012) and Sorcières Sorcières (Witches Witches) with Lucile Thibaudier, published by Bac@Bd.

Nowadays he devotes all his time to writing comics and books for kids, and even trying his hand at a novel. He and his many artistic collaborators have quite a few projects in the works...