Roberto Ricci

Born in Rome in 1976, Roberto Ricci studied music for eight years before an injury stopped him in his tracks.
It was then that he decided to enroll at the International School of Comics in Rome to become an artist. Upon graduation, he started publishing short stories in the American magazine Heavy Metal, and by the early 2000s he'd begun collaborating with Philippe Saimbert on the award-winning series Les âmes d'Helios (Delcourt).
Following that, he undertook several different projects, including Moksha (Laffont), Delta, (Humanoïdes associés), and June Christy (Editions BD Music). Most recently, he has completed the graphic novel Le Coeur de l'ombre, alongside Marco Cosimo d'Amico and Laura Iorio, published by Dargaud (The Heart of Shadows, Europe Comics).