Sylvain Dorange

Born in 1977, Sylvain Dorange studied art under the direction of acclaimed professor, Claude Lapointe (Arts Décoratifs, Strasbourg). He was encouraged to develop his original and naturally poetic graphic style. His first professional works include adaptations of French indie director, Robert Guédiguian’s, movies into sequential arts: Les contes de l'Estaque (EP éditions). He then went on to illustrate Les promeneur du temps, a series of three volumes created with Franck Viale (Poivre & Sel Editions).
In 2015, the versatile author created the cover art for singer Sanseverino’s album about the life of French convict, Henri Charrière. From that work, the duo (along with Cécile Richard) created a graphic novel, Sanseverino est Papillon. Also a composer, an animation director and a political cartoonist, Sylvain Dorange shows the range of his exceptional talents in Hedy Lamarr: An Incredible Life. His unique art style gives the graphic novel its mark.