European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Lucky Luke 044 — Lucky Luke 0versus Pat Poker

Having accepted the sheriff’s job in Red City, Lucky Luke arrives to find a town entirely under the control of Pat Poker, a ruthless gambler, cheat and saloon owner, and his henchmen. His horse, clothes and revolver stolen, Luke decides to pass himself off as a harmless, bumbling tenderfoot, all the better to study his opponents and catch them unaware. Still, Pat won’t give up easily, and keeping him behind bars might require some additional work...


Lucky Luke 060 — The Ballad of the Daltons

A lawyer visits the Daltons in prison to explain that an uncle has bequeathed a fortune to them, but that they will only have access to it after shooting every member of the jury who sentenced him to hang – andthat in front of a very specific witness: Lucky Luke. One prison escape later, the four brothers are riding hard with a list of men to kill – and a more or less captive Lucky Luke intent on making their task impossible...


Lucky Luke 045 — Tying the Knot

Urgent message for the Dalton brothers: the president has approved a special measure to combat overpopulation in the country’s prisons. They’re going to be… hanged! Their last hope lies in a little known law that would see them walk free if they were to marry. A frantic Ma Dalton tries to locate brides for her boys, but their reputation precedes them, and the only candidates she eventually locates could well turn out to be a worse choice than the rope...


Lucky Luke 061 — Daisy Town

In the Old West, towns grow like mushrooms. And the birth of a new city inevitably draws in desperados of all kinds. When Lucky Luke spends the night in brand new Daisy Town, he’s forced to do a little cleaning up, and his skills rather impress the local population. So much so that they offer him the job of sheriff. The city is soon crime-free – until the Dalton brothers ride into town...


Lucky Luke 046 — The Pony Express

In 1860, getting from Missouri to California on the West Coast took a long, long time – not to mention a certain degree of courage. Annoyed at the delay in communication, the federal government offers a grant to whoever can solve the problem and set-up a fast, reliable mail system linking East and West. In response, entrepreneur W.H. Russell founds the Pony Express company: fearless men riding day and night, changing horses at way stations. But not everyone likes that idea…


Lucky Luke 047 — Outlaws

Everyone knows Joe, Jack, William and Averell Dalton, the four dumbest desperadoes in the Old West and the worst enemies of Lucky Luke’s holidays. But before them, Luke had also encountered their cousins: real-life legends of the West Bob, Grat, Bill and Emmett. When these four began making too much trouble, Luke was called to get rid of them. Fortunately for him, they weren’t much brighter than their successors… but they did provide plenty of entertainment!


Lucky Luke 048 — Dick Digger’s Gold Mine

Dick Digger, an old pal of Lucky Luke’s, has struck gold in the hills. Spending the night in a hotel on his way home to stake his claim, a careless display of his new-found wealth attracts the attention of two bandits who knock him out and rob him – unwittingly taking the map to his mine with them as well! With Digger injured, it’s up to Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper to chase the thieves and recover the map.


Lucky Luke 049 — The Daltons’ Amnesia

After a fellow inmate, having received a blow to the head, forgets his own name and is freed as a brand new man, the Daltons start pretending to be amnesiac in order to escape the prison. So as to test their supposed amnesia – and hopefully allow them to retrieve their memories should it be real – they are put in familiar situations: bank hold-ups, train robberies … under Lucky Luke’s supervision, of course.


Lucky Luke 050 — Seven Stories

We all know that Lucky Luke has a busy life. When it’s not Washington calling upon him for some national project, it’s the local penitentiary asking him to recapture the Daltons. But not every moment is spent in such grand adventures. Here is a collection of smaller stories depicting the everyday life of our cowboy, from taking a child to the dentist to helping passing settlers – and even attending a classical concert in Houston! What a full life he leads!


Lucky Luke 051 — The Painter

Among the cultural figures of the Old West, Frederick Remington stands head and shoulders above the rest – literally. A good-natured ogre by size and appetite, the artist portrays the West with such skill that the American government entrusts his safety to Lucky Luke. Looking after such a national treasure is not usually an easy task, but Luke will soon discover that Remington hardly needs protecting – except maybe from his own excessive impulses...
