European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Lucky Luke 060 — The Ballad of the Daltons

A lawyer visits the Daltons in prison to explain that an uncle has bequeathed a fortune to them, but that they will only have access to it after shooting every member of the jury who sentenced him to hang – andthat in front of a very specific witness: Lucky Luke. One prison escape later, the four brothers are riding hard with a list of men to kill – and a more or less captive Lucky Luke intent on making their task impossible...


Lucky Luke 029 — The Grand Duke

Grand Duke Leonid of Russia is in Washington to sign a commercial treaty on behalf of the Tsar. But this larger-than-life aristocrat has read too much Fennimore Cooper and wants to visit the West. The US government is forced to agree to his whim—but wisely chooses Lucky Luke to escort him to the cattle capital of the West: Abilene. A good thing, too, because the Russian Grand Duke encounters real American desperadoes on his visit!


Lucky Luke 030 — The Daltons’ Escape

“The Daltons have escaped!” Words that all fans of Lucky Luke know well. But this is the story of the first time that the idiotic brothers break out of jail. Driven by Joe’s unshakable need to get revenge on Lucky Luke, the outlaws terrorise several towns before hatching a genius plan: Get the Lonesome Cowboy his very own wanted poster. As the local populace begins turning on him, Luke will display infinite patience in order to catch his quarry.


Lucky Luke 031 — … versus the Pinkertons

It’s the start of the 1860s, and the Old West is changing—a change that comes as a shock to the Daltons when they’re arrested not by Lucky Luke, but by… Allan Pinkerton! The man is determined to turn bandit-hunting into a modern, rational business—even at the cost of the American people’s personal freedom. It’ll be up to Lucky Luke to ensure that the USA is protected against all evil-doers, rascals and lawmen alike…


Lucky Luke 032 — Rails on the Praire

The First Transcontinental Railroad is stopped dead near its starting point, both in the East and in the West. Repeated injunctions from the president of the “Transcontinental Railroad” are having no effect: His workers are constantly prevented from working by agents of a mysterious traitor. But Lucky Luke witnesses one of the acts of sabotage and stops it. Soon, he is in charge of security for the entire westward push—and he will have his work cut out for him!


Lucky Luke 033 — The One-Armed Bandid

Brothers Adolph and Arthur Caille are mechanical geniuses. They’ve just created one of the first slot machines and have presented it to their local senator, a notorious gambler. Much taken with the device, he agrees to send them on a tour of American cities to test the machine’s popularity. And, to escort them on this dangerous journey, he calls on his old friend Lucky Luke… So begins the wacky tale of how the one-armed bandit conquered the West!


Lucky Luke 034 — The Daltons Always on the Run

A general amnesty puts the Daltons back on the streets, something Lucky Luke isn’t happy about. And, to make it worse, they seem to have become model citizens. It’s all an act, though, and it doesn’t take long for the stupidest quartet in the West to be back behind bars. Luke is already riding off into the sunset… But he’s not counting on a riled-up Apache tribe that attacks the penitentiary where the Daltons are locked up…


Lucky Luke 035 — The Singing Wire

1861. Abraham Lincoln orders that the First Transcontinental Telegraph line, currently interrupted between Nevada and Nebraska, be completed. Two teams, one heading east from Carson City and the other west from Omaha, will meet up in Salt Lake City. Lucky Luke joins the eastbound team. But when a $100,000 reward is offered to the first team to arrive, there’s suddenly more to fear than the natural obstacles of the journey: A saboteur seems to be at work!


Lucky Luke 036 — The Daltons Redeem Themselves

When a senator comes up with a probation program to redeem criminals in the USA, the Supreme Court offers him a chance to prove the feasibility of his idea... by trying it out on the worst Old West villains ever: the Daltons. As usual, it’s up to Lucky Luke to keep an eye on the terrible four during their month-long trial period. If they can refrain from any crime during that time, they will be set free as good citizens...


Lucky Luke 037 — Fingers

“Fingers” is a magician—a really, really good one. When his unfortunate kleptomania sends him to jail, he meets the Daltons and soon escapes with them. After Lucky Luke puts everyone back behind bars, he takes pity on Fingers’ unfortunate tendencies and agrees to try to rehabilitate him. A daunting, frustrating task, for confusing and complicating matters is second nature to a magician. Riding off into the sunset is going to be a difficult trick this time!
