European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Lucky Luke 029 — The Grand Duke

Grand Duke Leonid of Russia is in Washington to sign a commercial treaty on behalf of the Tsar. But this larger-than-life aristocrat has read too much Fennimore Cooper and wants to visit the West. The US government is forced to agree to his whim—but wisely chooses Lucky Luke to escort him to the cattle capital of the West: Abilene. A good thing, too, because the Russian Grand Duke encounters real American desperadoes on his visit!


Lucky Luke 014 — The Dashing White Cowboy

Some strange burglaries take place at each performance of the play “The Dashing White Cowboy” given by the company of W. Baltimore. Simply coincidence? Suspicious, Lucky Luke follows them. Unfortunately, it’s he who is accused of theft in every city the actors pass through. After all, he’s also a stranger. But despite this series of arrests, Lucky Luke won’t let Baltimore and his troupe leave him behind, and he’ll clear his name...


Lucky Luke 016 — The Black Hills

The Senate decides to settle the fertile land of Wyoming. Before moving in the settlers, they send a committee of four scientists, led by Lucky Luke, to survey the territory. One senator is strongly opposed to this project and determined to sabotage the expedition. However, the Senate overlooked one important fact: the land territory is home to the Cheyenne Nation, who are determined to defend their land.


Lucky Luke 017 — Apache Canyon

Patronimo’s Apache tribe is still waging war against the white settlers. The damage on both sides is getting heavier and heavier. Lucky Luke is called in to restore the peace between Patronimo’s tribe and Colonel O’Nollan. But, while negotiating with both sides, Lucky Luke is perceived as a traitor. Only a wild twist of fate will enable him to come out of this tricky situation unscathed.


Lucky Luke 002 — Ghost Town

As he roams with his horse Jolly Jumper, always seeking new adventures, Lucky Luke meets two suspicious characters, Denver Miles and Colorado Bill. Together they arrive on the outskirts of a deserted city, Gold Hill, which counts only one inhabitant. The old man, Powell, is the sole survivor of a gold rush that he has not given up on, despite years without success. He continues to work his mine, which Denver and Colorado soon try to take over any way they can. But Lucky Luke, who has taken a liking to the old man, is looking out for him and will save him from many troubles...


Lucky Luke 003 — Dalton City

In this new volume, Lucky Luke has to clean out a whole city: Fenton Town, so named because, after being abandoned by the pioneers who founded it, it has been taken over by Dean Fenton, a desperado of the worst sort... Fenton Town has become the most depraved city in all of Texas. Lucky Luke makes a short visit to townâjust the time needed to put Fenton in prison and chase out the remaining rabble.But soon the Dalton Brothers take up the torch, and, following Fentonâs ideas, create... Dalton City, exclusively reserved for gangsters!!! They even capture Lucky Luke and force him to help them...


Lucky Luke 019 — On the Daltons’ Trail

Rin Tin Can, possibly the stupidest dog ever, is left in charge of watching the jail. Obviously, the Daltons escape and steal some horses and guns. Lucky Luke refuses to get involved, but when he witnesses the prison guards’ incompetence and Rin Tan Can’s remarkable lack of brains, he has no choice but to set out on the Daltons’ trail of holdups and burglaries.


Lucky Luke 004 — Jesse James

The story of Robin Hood has made a strong impression on Jesse James, and he would like to become a bandit with a big heart, like his hero. With the help of his brother Frank and his cousin Cole Younger, he decides to steal from the rich and redistribute the loot to the poor... But soon the trio is keeping the stolen money and spreading terror wherever they go. At Nothing Gulch, Lucky Luke is more than ready for them. But will he be able to rid the town of these desperados, when the population, terrorized, does nothing to help him?
