European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Blacksad 3 — Red Soul

Blacksad is in Las Vegas, with both his finances and morale at rock bottom, working for a wealthy gambling man. However, an unexpected encounter shakes up his new life: his friend Otto Lieber, a high-profile scientist, is in town for a nuclear conference. The two men manage to find the time to get together and chew the cud. Otto seems to be leading an exciting life, despite the little eccentricities of his “benefactor,” Gotfield. Gotfield is married to the gorgeous Alma… on whose account Blacksad’s life will take a surprising turn…

African Trilogy 2 — Turntable

Virtuoso Belgian violinist Eugène Ysaÿe is invited out to the Congo by the governor to give a concert. How could he refuse such an invitation? Eugène waves goodbye to the infamous gray Belgian skies and hops on a plane taking him to the dazzling colors of Africa. He is invited to stay a few weeks at his nephew’s house, by the stunning Lake Maï Ndombé. And that’s where he meets Turntable. Through their mutual appreciation of music, the servant and the celebrity gradually form an unlikely friendship, breaking the boundaries of convention.

Back to Basics 2 — Making Plans

Manu and Mariette have immigrated to the countryside. Manu wants a vegetable garden and Mariette wants a baby. But Manu, who’s celebrating with much jubilation the birth of his very first radish, is having a hard time accepting the notion of parenthood. I mean, imagine having to admit to your child that you don’t know how to change the contact breakers on your car… So Manu hides himself away inside the packing boxes that seem to have become a permanent installment of their new house’s decor. And don’t even start on the neighbor’s penchant for pesticides, and then the poster he’s supposed to design for the annual pig festival…“I could get lost in this stuff all day.” Pipeline Comics

African Trilogy 3 — A Little Piece of Her

Yu Kiang works for a Chinese lumberjack corporation in the Congo. Despite his company’s ban on its employees from frequenting the local girls, Yu has fallen for a Congolese woman, Antoinette… and, in a very different way, for Antoinette’s little daughter, Marie-Léontine. One night, in the arms of his lover, Yu discovers Antoinette’s wound: a terrible scar, an assault on her femininity. How many others are there like her, exiled from their own body, victims of a monstrous ongoing tradition? How many? 150 million. But the only thing that matters to Yu and Antoinette is that little Marie-Léontine never falls victim to the tradition that her mother had to suffer.

Back to Basics 3 — The Great World

So it’s finally happened: Mariette is pregnant. And so is Manu. He’s brushing up on his baby and parenthood knowledge with the help of Dr. Spock, who, Manu finds, is rather evasive regarding the torments of a father-to-be. Still, preparation is the key to success, and Manu’s about as prepared as he can be: run-through’s of the big day, suitcases ready and packed for the hospital, route planning. Basically, he’s totally freaking out. Of course, he ends up missing the birth…“I could get lost in this stuff all day.” Pipeline Comics

Agrippina 1 — The Trials of Agrippina

Agrippina, a wonderful prototype of the rebellious teenager, spends her time squabbling with her exasperated parents, determinately ignoring her infuriating brother, discussing the latest couplings with her girlfriends, studiously avoiding ‘being normal’, and falling madly in love with a different boy every two minutes. Quite simply hilarious.

Back to Basics 4 — The Flood

Capucine isn’t sleeping at night, Ravenelles is hit with the storm of the century, M. Henri is building himself some sort of ark in preparation… and Manu seems to be suffering the strangest of visions… “I could get lost in this stuff all day.” Pipeline Comics

Agrippina 2 — Agrippina and the Ancestor

Agrippina’s grandmother goes awol for a few days, only to be discovered in her own home, hiding away from the world while she recovers from a facelift. And all because she’s found out that her own mother has gone into a retirement home. The latter, having made herself a fortune in her savvy investments in stocks and shares, decides to buy herself a computer… but not just any old computer…! Meanwhile, Agrippina is, as usual, busy seeking out any opportunity to get easy money and easy boys. This is a side-splitting snapshot of the complex relationships between four generations of women.

Alter Ego 1 01 — Camille

Camille, a French girl living in Singapore, is going through a tough time in her relationship with her mother, Suzanne Rochant, a high-flying psychology and neuroscience researcher. Out of the blue, Suzanne is brutally killed in tragic circumstances. Almost immediately afterwards, Camille sets off for an Angolan village in search of the man who could be her father… the father that she’s never met. She carries a letter left to this man in her mother’s will, but the truth awaiting her isn’t exactly what she’d had in mind… Camille soon finds herself wrapped up in the shady goings-on of her mother’s business, as she desperately tries to get to the bottom of all the unanswered questions her Suzanne left with.

Alter Ego 1 02 — Fouad

How does a volunteer for a humanitarian aid program turn into a terrorist? While Fouad, a Belgian nurse, is working for a humanitarian mission to stamp out AIDS in deepest darkest Columbia, he is witness to a kidnapping. A bit of delving soon leads him to fear the worst. What if the WWOA (World War on Aids), the world renowned foundation he’s employed by, were using this admirable campaign to eradicate AIDS as a facade for another, much more sinister project? What if they were actually using the populations of developing countries as guinea pigs for pharmaceutical experiments? Fouad could just go on with his life as though he hadn’t seen anything. That would probably be better for him. But that’s just not really his style…