European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Spellbound Book 3

The queen is dead. Killed by Blanche, her own daughter, driven to extreme measures by the bitterness of treachery. The devious sorceress Miranda is still fiercely lusting after Blanche’s lover, Prince Maldoror of the World Below. The sly prince uses the witch’s desire to his advantage, striking a sordid deal with her to help Blanche in her campaign to win back the throne of Middleland that is rightfully hers. Between them, they manage to summon a formidable fighting force unlike any other…


Spellbound Book 4

There is celebration throughout the realm of Middleland! The people have everything they could possibly need to be happy: Blanche, their queen, is back, the invader is vanquished and there is peace throughout the land. But this idyllic epoch won’t last. Power, that indefinable poison, begins little by little to corrupt Blanche’s soul. What’s more, her feelings for Maldoror, the Lord of the World Below, will soon give way to an indifference he’d never have thought her capable of… Because love is no match for the ever powerful grip of power…


Spellbound Book 1

This first volume of the ongoing Spellbound series initiates us into Dufaux and Munuera’s Medieval-style fantasy land, a land brimming with witchcraft, demons, enchantments and foul-play. The whole of Middleland has been thrown into turmoil by the sudden and brutal murder of the king. The unfortunate victim’s dying wish was that his daughter, Blanche, should take the throne, rather than her weak-spirited brother. Thus Blanche finds herself catapulted into a position of power that she never expected, or even wished for. The grief-stricken young woman is forced to renounce her lover, and on top of that, the enemy’s army is assembled at the country’s border, poising to strike. Blanche looks like she’s off to a promising start as queen of the land, but unfortunately she’s no match for the various plots to topple her… at least, not yet…


Raptors Volume 3

Drago and Camilla seek vengeance for the assassination of their father, Don Molina, by exterminating those of their species who choose to enslave the human race rather than feed on them. But mankind has become an endangered species, following the great hunts of the southern continents. Should they be saved from extinction? Yes. Humans are ignorant, greedy and selfish, not to mention that stench they give off, but they have an interesting history… And so it is that a new law comes into play; a law protecting the increasingly small human race.

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Raptors Volume 4

Here we are again on Planet Earth of the near future, where vampires have reduced humankind to a hunted animal and protected species. Only a rare few still resist. Strange alliances are forming between raptors, humans and vampires with a mutual objective: to resolve the conflicts between life forces and death forces. We hear the groans rise up from the depths. There is a change in the wind. Little by little, fear diminishes, giving way instead to courage and combat. It’s carnage. Sons denounce their fathers and betrayal is rife. Get ready for the last act.

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Raptors Volume 1

Their reign is coming to an end. They had the power, they dominated the town, the whole world. Order prevailed. Their order. But then a certain pair of siblings came along — the Raptors. United by blood, decked out in skin-tight leather, slipping through the night, sowing disorder. The head of the town is worried, and not without reason. The immortal race to which he belongs is starting to discover what it means to die…“It left me guessing and hungry for more.” Geekery Magazine

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Raptors Volume 2

Who are these predators that seem to be infiltrating every aspect of human society? Inspector Lenore wants to take them on, but will she be up to the task? Perhaps not… Unless she allies herself with their worst enemies, back from the beginning of time, hungry for power and for blood…

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Natty Volume 1

Rebellious Princess Natty of Orchidhali is a member of the floral caste and lives in a luxurious, sunshine-filled palace. But once she refuses her arranged marriage, she is forced to flee the palace. She ends up in the dark realm of the Untouchables, the very lowest caste of society, where a strange form of leprosy reigns as a result of the lack of sunlight. Natty meets an Untouchable named Sami, who is just as rebellious as she is, and together they make a plan to leave the shadows of the underworld and return to the light. But just as they are about to make their escape, a battalion of soldiers arrives, and Sami ends up in prison.


Natty Volume 2

This second and final volume of the Natty adventure picks up where it left off: Natty is alone in the underworld fighting for her survival while her family up above engages in a wild search for her. Sami manages to escape from prison, and thanks to their agility, strong will, and a dose of luck, he and Natty make their way back to the palace. After some initial difficulties, Natty is recognized by her parents as the Princess, and she and Sami live happily ever after. They even find a solution to bring sunlight to the lower levels of the kingdom.


Okheania 1 — The Tsunami

The planet Oceania is covered with an ocean of vegetation. Humans navigate the green seas with futuristic ships. Teenagers Jon and Jasper spend most of their days surfing the vast waves of foliage, until one day, without warning, they’re hit by a tsunami. Jon disappears beneath the leafy ocean surface and Jasper is picked up by a ship called the Poseidon. It is said that none return from the depths of this treacherous ocean. But the captain of the Poseidon tells a different story. Will Jon and Jasper ever find each other?
