European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

The Battle Book 3

When they destroyed the bridge of Lobau island, the Austrian army put an end to Napoleon’s offensive. After two days of absolute carnage, all that’s left is for Massena to organize the withdrawal. Three weeks later, the fighting will start again, this time at Wagram. But that’s another story…


The Dream of Jerusalem 1 — The Holy Militia

France, 1076. Hermance Languedolce, a child with miraculous healing powers, falls in with religious rebels and is branded a heretic. Hideously tortured, he summons a miracle and saves himself, only to be taken in by kind gypsies. When fearsome warrior Karlis Oresund is converted to Christ, he too receives a miraculous ability to sense evil. Entering the service of Bohemond of Taranto, he sets forth on a crusade to the Holy Land, conscripting Hermance by force along the way. Hermance can’t or won’t remember his powers, but can Karlis bring them out of the scarred young man?

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The Dream of Jerusalem 2 — The Divine Ordeal

Constantinople, 1097. As Black Liv leads the Holy Militia deeper into Turkey, he must contend with lords above his station quarreling over glory and the spoils of war, as well as the treachery of Basileus Alexios Komnenos. Meanwhile, Hermance, coming back into his full powers as a healer and miracle worker, saves the life of Tafur Princess Istvana when the Militia is forced to take a perilous route through the Taurus Mountains. Will the Princess’ love for both men drive them apart when their armies need them most, at the gates of the daunting and impregnable city of Antioch?

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The Eagles of Rome Book 1

The strategic general Drusus is entrusted with the mission of bringing the indomitable barbarians of Germania under the Roman Empire’s control. Once the battle is won, Prince Sigmar offers his son, Arminius, as a hostage to the Romans. Caesar consigns the education of the young barbarian to one of his most trusted companions, Titus Valerius Falco. Titus has a son of the same age as Arminius, an unruly young man called Marcus, also in need of an education worthy of his name. Together, these two budding soldiers go through full training, and are time and again subjected to the steely discipline and harsh tests of their tutor, an ex-legionary. Through these trying experiences, the insolent young Roman and the hot-headed German gradually transform their reciprocal hatred into a strong friendship… especially as they begin to discover the irresistible charms of their various female contemporaries…


The Eagles of Rome Book 2

Having gone through the same training, Marcus Valerius Falco and Arminius have discovered together of the intoxication of combat and the pleasures of the senses. What started as a mutual dislike has gradually turned into shared respect, and eventually friendship. In this second volume, Marcus launches himself into the amorous pursuit of the gorgeous Priscilla. Unfortunately, the lady in question is already promised to another, leading the love-crazed Marcus into rash decisions and sticky situations. Luckily, Arminius has got his back, but his tolerance of his best friend’s foolishness soon reaches its limits… Sexy, action-packed, with plenty of plotting and poison, against the backdrop of the Roman Empire’s relentless military conquests.


The Eagles of Rome Book 3

Even though Marcus and Arminius parted company on bad terms, the Emperor Augustus is counting on the strength of the friendship that unites them to shed light on the rumor that’s got Rome quaking in its boots. He thus sends Marcus on a top secret mission to Germania, Arminius’ birthplace, in order for him to determine how and to what extent the young German is involved in the preparation of a people’s rebellion. But what if conspiracy isn’t the Barbarian’s real prerogative…?


The Eagles of Rome Book 4

He has committed treason. Marcus has to face the facts: Arminius, the man who is like a brother to him, is in the midst of preparing a rebellion against Rome, the city that gave them everything. Two men, two destinies, a broken friendship, and the inevitable and eternal march of history. In this fourth installment of the enthralling Eagles of Rome series, Enrico Marini turns history into a breathtaking human adventure, extravagant and tragic, his realist artwork plunging us right to the heart of the struggles of Emperor Augustus’ reign.


The Eagles of Rome Book 5

There is a wolf among the Eagles of Rome, and he’s ready to attack… Who would have thought that Arminius, in whom the Roman general had such trust, has now become the Germanian war chief? His betrayal has meant that the Roman army is attacked from all sides and Marcus, now a prisoner, has never been so powerless. Behind bars, he can neither challenge his old blood brother or protect Priscilla and her son…


Murena 10 — The Banquet

What could be more moving than a reunion of childhood friends making peace after long enmity and tragic misunderstanding? Lucius Murena and the Emperor emerge from their long-awaited meeting with rekindled trust and affection. But in Nero’s Rome, such victories are always fleeting. When a brutal murder attempt leaves Murena on the brink of death, his memory is erased by a family of patricians plotting to assassinate Nero with the help of the Emperor’s own dear advisor, Seneca. The series, a dive into the intricate and deadly world of ancient Rome, is back with this tenth volume.


Murena 01 — Purple and Gold

It’s stinking hot, and the crowd is beginning to lose interest in the last few gladiators still fighting for survival in the arena. Only the Emperor Claudius is still riveted, determined to stick it out until the death rattle of the last fighter announces the end of the day’s frivolities. Life is just as ferocious outside the arena. Everyone wants the power; everyone is willing to kill to get it…For Agrippina, Claudius’ second wife, her dear husband has served his purpose. Now that he has acknowledged her son, Nero, as his heir, it’s high time he disappeared. But Agrippina has time against her: there’s talk of Claudius wanting to renounce her in favor of the woman he loves, Lolia Paulina. Needless to say, it doesn’t end well for poor Lolia…
