European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Lucky Luke 067 — Belle Starr

Lucky Lukes alter Freund Sheriff Samuel Parker in Hadley City will sein abenteuerliches Leben beenden. Nachdem er die Stadt von Banditen und Gangstern befreit hat, will er nun heiraten und sich dem Familienleben widmen. Doch zur Hochzeitsfeier kommen auch die Daltons, die noch eine offene Rechnung mit Parker haben.


Lucky Luke 068 — Bridge Over the Mississippi

In 1874, President Grant authorises the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi. Until then, passage between St. Louis and East St. Louis was only possible on ferries. But the ferry company is owned by two brothers who have been getting rich by forcing passengers to wait in the hotels and restaurants they own on both sides of the river. The two crooks are doing everything in their power to prevent the bridge from being built – until Lucky Luke arrives, of course...


Lucky Luke 069 — Kid Lucky

We all know Lucky Luke, the man who shoots faster than his own shadow. But even he was once a child, and back then he was already having grand adventures in the Old West! The young boy is travelling with an old, grumpy, alcoholic prospector in search of gold, when a conflict with the local Indian tribe leads to kidnapping – and he now finds himself the adopted son of a nagging native mother!


Lucky Luke 071 — A Cowboy in Paris

While dragging the Daltons back to a new prison after their umpteenth escape, Luke comes across a French sculptor, Bartholdi, who’s touring the West with a strange sculpture: a colossal hand holding a torch. In fact, it’s part of the now famous Statue of Liberty, and Bartholdi is raising funds towards its construction and transport from France. It’s not long before our cowboy is recruited by his government to escort Lady Liberty … from Paris!


Lucky Luke 042 — Lone Riders

After their umpteenth defeat at Lucky Luke’s hands, the Dalton brothers get into a big argument that ends with the four of them splitting up. They make a deal: Whoever is first to get a million dollars will be the leader of the gang. Going their separate ways, trying various schemes, each spreads his own kind of mayhem, forcing poor Lucky Luke to do four times the work to keep up with their antics !


Lucky Luke 058 — The Dalton’s Stash

Transferred to a new penitentiary, the Daltons are put in a cell with Fennimore Buttercup, a counterfeiter who soon begins to regret having such noisy cellmates. To get rid of the annoying brothers, he sends them on the trail of his – made-up – stash: $100,000 buried at the foot of a boulder in Red Rock Junction. One prison escape later, pursued by Lucky Luke, they discover to their horror that the spot they seek ... is inside another penitentiary!


Lucky Luke 043 — The Bluefeet are Сoming!

Passing through the quiet little town of Rattlesnake, Luke exposes a Mexican gambler as a cheat and runs him out of town. Unfortunately, the hustler ends up in the hands of the Bluefeet Indians and manages to convince them to attack Rattlesnake. A siege begins, during which Luke will have to use all his guile and courage to keep the Bluefeet at bay until the Cavalry arrives.


Lucky Luke 059 — Bride of Lucky Luke

One of the main problems facing the Old West’s inhabitants was the lack of women in frontier territories. Entire towns were populated only by men, while many unmarried young women languished on the east coast. To remedy that situation, marriages were arranged over mail. And now we find a reluctant Lucky Luke in charge of protecting a convoy of brides on their way west. Could he, too, be in danger of finding a wife?


Lucky Luke 044 — Lucky Luke 0versus Pat Poker

Having accepted the sheriff’s job in Red City, Lucky Luke arrives to find a town entirely under the control of Pat Poker, a ruthless gambler, cheat and saloon owner, and his henchmen. His horse, clothes and revolver stolen, Luke decides to pass himself off as a harmless, bumbling tenderfoot, all the better to study his opponents and catch them unaware. Still, Pat won’t give up easily, and keeping him behind bars might require some additional work...
