European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Lucky Luke 037 — Fingers

“Fingers” is a magician—a really, really good one. When his unfortunate kleptomania sends him to jail, he meets the Daltons and soon escapes with them. After Lucky Luke puts everyone back behind bars, he takes pity on Fingers’ unfortunate tendencies and agrees to try to rehabilitate him. A daunting, frustrating task, for confusing and complicating matters is second nature to a magician. Riding off into the sunset is going to be a difficult trick this time!


Lucky Luke 022 — Emperor Smith

Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper arrive in Grass Town and make the acquaintance of Smith I, Emperor of the United States! A local rancher gone a bit looney after getting rich, he’s given his cowboys fancy uniforms and replaced their Colts with sabres, and he believes he’s the true ruler of the country. The citizens of Grass Town think he’s great fun, write him letters in the names of European monarchs, and publish his harmless proclamations in the newspaper. But is he truly harmless? And what will Luke do if something upsets the relationship between the Emperor and his not-so-loyal subjects?


Lucky Luke 038 — Doc Doxey’s Elixir

In this early adventure of the famous cowboy, Lucky Luke is dealing with one of the plagues of the Old West: quacks. “Doctor” Doxey is a con man, a charlatan who brews up useless elixirs and sells them as miracle cures for every ailment known to man. But he doesn’t stop at that and occasionally causes illnesses himself, the better to cure them—a behaviour that does not sit well with Luke...


Lucky Luke 023 — A Cure for the Daltons

Austrian Professor Otto von Himbeergeist arrives in the New World with some very strange ideas: Criminals are victims of their past and can be cured of their lawlessness. To prove his theories, the scientist intends to travel to the Wild West and attempt to reform the worst possible outlaws of the land. What better targets than the baddest, dumbest bandits ever, the Dalton brothers? And who will be tasked with keeping a close watch on the experiment, with some unexpected but always hilarious results? Why, Lucky Luke, of course!


Lucky Luke 039 — The Man from Washington

Ulysses S. Grant’s second term is ending, and the USA must elect a new president. After the many corruption scandals of the previous administration, the Republican Party has selected an upstanding candidate, Rutherford B. Hayes. However, a rich Texas oil tycoon with his eye on the White House has other ideas, and money can buy many votes... or bullets. Luke is called upon to protect Hayes as he tours the wild, wild West...


Lucky Luke 008 — Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane saves Lucky Luke from a delicate situation. A friendship is quickly formed, and they arrive together in El Plomo... where Calamity Jane proves by her manners and her strength that sheâs not a weak woman: She acquires the local saloon by winning an arm-wrestling match! Its ex-owner, August Oyster, is hopping mad and has only one obsession: to send her packing. During this time, Lucky Luke tries to clear up a dark affair involving arms traffic...


Lucky Luke 009 — The Wagon Train

A wagon train of Pioneers drives through Nothing Gulch en route to California. Its ill-tempered driver is sent away by the passengers and Lucky Luke is asked to step in and replace him. He accepts, amused by this fun group. When the wagon train moves off again, the trouble begins: a mystery vandal keeps trying to sabotage the expedition. But Lucky Luke needs a lot more than that to make him turn back!


Lucky Luke 010 — Tortillas for the Daltons

Just as the infamous Daltons are being transferred to a Mexican prison, robbers attack the van and âkidnapâ the Daltons without realising it. Disappointed with their booty, they decide to hang the four brothers. In order to save their lives, brother Joe offers to share all his knowledge of organised crime with the leader of the bandits, Don Emilio. Meanwhile, the governor sends Lucky Luke to their rescue...


Lucky Luke 011 — Western Circus

Mulligan’s Western circus—his troop, lion and elephant—arrive in town under the escort of Lucky Luke. Zilch, a rich businessman and organizer of the annual grand rodeo, thinks the circus is going to compete with his business and does everything to prevent it from putting on a show. He even engages killer-for-hire Rattlesnake Joe, but in the end his attempts will provide unexpected publicity for the circus. On with the show!


Lucky Luke 012 — The Rivals of Painful Gulch

Two rival families live in Painful Gulch: the O’Timmins clan, who have big noses, and the O’Haras, who have big ears. They’ve been fighting for decades and don’t even know why anymore. Lucky Luke is appointed mayor in order to bring peace back to the town. But the men and their thick-headed sense of honour will wreck all of Lucky Luke’s plans for reconciliation. Our hero must find a solution!
