Little Miss Cheery
- Script: Zidrou
- Art: Benoît Springer
- Translation Publisher: Europe Comics
- Original Publisher: Dupuis
- Original Title: La petite souriante
- BDtheque link
- Publication Date: 02.2018
- Genre: Thriller
What do you do when you hate your wife and you’re sleeping with your stepdaughter? If you’re ostrich farmer Pep, you beat your wife’s head in with a shovel when your stepdaughter asks you to. You might do it some rainy night, and toss the body down a well for good measure. You might even think you’re getting some money out of it. But if you’re hapless and unlucky as Pep is, you might find yourself trapped in a hell of your own making, endlessly wondering: how many times do you have to kill someone before they’re really dead?