European Comics in Official and Fan Translations


Quadrants Collection

Quadrants Logo

Quadrants is a Belgian comic book imprint, a subsidiary of the French Soleil Productions publishing house.

Quadrants originates from Quadrant Solaire, a collection published by Soleil in 2005 by the authors Denis Bajram and Valérie Mangin. This label aims to promote, in their own words, a "franco-belgian comics to grand public".

In 2007, the label became a publishing house based in Belgium and took the name Quadrants. This publishing house became independent of Soleil but remained the property of Mourad Boudjellal, Soleil's founder.

The current editor of Quadrants is Corinne Bertrand.

Quadrants Banner

Real or imagined, written in the past or the present, Quadrants' stories are at the crossroads of individuals with their time. They invite us to live their destiny, to follow their itineraries, to discover their secrets through fully human adventures.

Quadrants albums are published in four subcollections:

  • Quadrants Astrolabe
  • Quadrants Azimut
  • Quadrants Boussole
  • Quadrants Solaires

Collection's Site