European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Barracuda 2 — Scars

Three years have passed in Puerto Blanco, and there has been no news of the Barracuda. Emilio, still passing himself off as a woman, has been learning the art of fencing from Mr Flynn. Maria, now married to the slave merchant Ferrango, makes her husband’s existence a living hell. As for Raffy, being left behind by his pirate father has hit him hard. But when an old enemy of Flynn’s sails into the harbour, their lives are turned upside down again.


Lucky Luke 062 — The Cursed Ranch

Lucky Luke must protect an old woman from a curse. When oil suddenly gushes from the ground in Whitney, it makes prospectors very happy, but not the inhabitants, for a pestilential smell soon covers the small town. Abandoning her home, Whitney's elder Miss Bluemarket moves to Smithville with her three pets – three adult buffaloes. Her search for a new home makes her easy prey for unscrupulous estate agents, and soon she finds herself owning a property whose mere name has the locals shaking in their boots: the Bates ranch...


Lucky Luke 063 — Sarah Bernhardt

Sensational news in the United States: the great actress Sarah Bernhardt is coming from France for a grand tour across the continent. The world of show business is in effervescence but some, such as the League of Virtue, are opposed to the tragedian's coming, because of her sulphurous reputation. President Rutherford B. Hayes, a theatre-lover, asks Lucky Luke to look after the lady, ambassador of French culture and charm...


Lucky Luke 064 — The Wedding Crashers

Samuel Parker, ageing sheriff of Hadley City, is about to get married, and he's promised his bride to retire after the ceremony. But Parker once sent the Daltons to jail, and when the horrible brothers hear the happy news, they escape with the intent of killing Samuel right in the middle of his wedding. Fortunately, Lucky Luke is an old friend of the sheriff's, and he has been invited to the celebrations...


Lucky Luke 065 — Ghost Hunt

Lucky Luke is hunting spectres!

In the Old West, there's nothing strange about a stagecoach getting robbed. But a stagecoach vanishing without a trace, now... Hired to protect the next coach and its important passengers, Lucky Luke finds himself teaming up with a particularly irritated Calamity Jane - something of hers was on the missing vehicle. The two of them soon begin hearing rather unpleasant rumours: whispers that the disappearance was caused by... a mysterious ghost!


Lucky Luke 066 — The Promised Land

Luke must escort a family of Ashkenazi Jews across the Wild West!

When an old cowboy friend asks Luke to escort his family, freshly arrived from Poland, to their new home in the West, our lonesome hero has no idea what sort of difficulties to expect. If the Sterns are brave and resolute, they are also ignorant of American ways – and bring with them a multitude of baffling customs. And as if that wasn't enough, the extremely valuable Torah that travels with them has caught the eyes of some unsavoury characters...


Lucky Luke 067 — Belle Starr

Lucky Lukes alter Freund Sheriff Samuel Parker in Hadley City will sein abenteuerliches Leben beenden. Nachdem er die Stadt von Banditen und Gangstern befreit hat, will er nun heiraten und sich dem Familienleben widmen. Doch zur Hochzeitsfeier kommen auch die Daltons, die noch eine offene Rechnung mit Parker haben.


Lucky Luke 068 — Bridge Over the Mississippi

In 1874, President Grant authorises the construction of a bridge over the Mississippi. Until then, passage between St. Louis and East St. Louis was only possible on ferries. But the ferry company is owned by two brothers who have been getting rich by forcing passengers to wait in the hotels and restaurants they own on both sides of the river. The two crooks are doing everything in their power to prevent the bridge from being built – until Lucky Luke arrives, of course...


Lucky Luke 069 — Kid Lucky

We all know Lucky Luke, the man who shoots faster than his own shadow. But even he was once a child, and back then he was already having grand adventures in the Old West! The young boy is travelling with an old, grumpy, alcoholic prospector in search of gold, when a conflict with the local Indian tribe leads to kidnapping – and he now finds himself the adopted son of a nagging native mother!
