European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Dixie Road Part 1

The United States… the late twenties. Like many others, the company Fisherman’s Dream staggers under the ‘crash’. In the midst of this economic nightmare, we meet a young girl, Dixie. The recent events will push her and her family to hit the road, in pursuit of the elusive American Dream.


Dixie Road Part 2

Following dramatic events they’d rather forget, Dixie and her parents are on the road. On their way they run into the midst of a feud between a group of workers and their employer, Mr. Duchamp, which Dixie’s father soon resolves with a large wad of cash. Of course, this random act of kindness attracts the authorities’ attention. The Joneses will once again have to watch their backs…


Dixie Road Part 3

The Joneses have finally managed to get away from the squalid Silver Creek squat, but unfortunately not Mr. Duchamp’s hatred. The situation with the workers’ strikes gets worse, and the formidable Ernest Pike is on the Jones’s tail. The young Dixie Jones has already seen more than most her age, and her extraordinary experiences are certainly not over yet.


Dixie Road Part 4

In this final volume of the first Dixie Road cycle, the Jones family is stuck at Silver Creek. Threatened by a deadly case of food poisoning, under siege by the workers’ union, the camp is quickly coming undone. The same can be said of the Dixie family: violence breaks out all over and emotions escalate to a new high in this conclusive album.


Blue Note — The Final Days of Prohibition V1

New York. November 1933. Seven years of Prohibition is about to come to an end—seven years of mafia control of the illegal alcohol trade, of high-level corruption... and of the speakeasy, whose clientele enjoy not only liquor, but the Golden Age of Jazz. A world Irish boxer Jack Doyle is reluctantly drawn back to, to settle old scores. But what he thinks will be a simple fight turns into a web of exploitation and double-dealing... and a tangle with the elusive Miss Lena. To get free he will have to use all his native cunning...

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French comic book artist, Simon Muchat, has reached one of life’s dead ends. He drifts through his uneventful day-to-day existence, which has become devoid of color and flavor, and severely lacking in inspiration. He has no plans, no desires, no projects, and is slowly stagnating in his job as a school art teacher. He seems indifferent to his girlfriend’s reproaches as she tries to shake him from his torpor. Simon is invited to spend a few days in Portugal for a comic book festival.

The invitation strikes a chord with him, as his family is originally from there, and he hasn’t been back since his childhood. Perhaps this will at long last lead him out of the maze, and towards a new life of color and feeling and the senses.

This is the story of rebirth, through the rediscovery of a childhood place, shrouded in the haze of memory.



A kiosk is a place to have some rest, to have fun, to talk… But it is also a watchtower from where one may stare at the world. Every morning, the roller blind is raised like hope. This is the small tragedy of a tiny hero, his private adventure in a world that seems to ignore his existence. A lonely person that observes how life keeps on going, without stopping in front of him.
