European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Superdupont 1 — The Revival

The unique and truly French super hero is back, like a phoenix from the ashes, to save France once again and to restore it to greatness in a world going to the dogs. Superdupont’s reboot gets a kick-start with the birth of his son who, astonishingly, has inherited the supernatural powers of his father. Perhaps together they can finally bring down the enemies of their wonderful homeland!


Syberia — Hans 1/2

Kate Walker, a lawyer from New York, was only supposed to spend a few hours in the village of Valadilène in the French Alps. She goes there to finalize the purchase of the Voralberg automation factory on behalf of her client, Universal Toys. But she soon finds out that while the director of the company, Anna Voralberg, has just died, Anna’s younger brother is still alive and is the heir to the family business. To find him, she has no choice but to begin a journey through the history of the 20th century. Little by little, she uncovers the story of Hans Voralberg, a genius inventor of complex automatons who has been in exile in Eastern Europe since childhood. For the first comics adaptation of his cult game, Benoît Sokal has chosen to revisit “Syberia” and propose an alternative version to the reader. The result is a perfect prelude to the third installment of the game and an ideal opportunity for the young illustrator Johann Blais, chosen by Sokal himself.


Syberia — Hans 2/2

Kate Walker, a lawyer from New York, was only supposed to spend a few hours in the village of Valadilène in the French Alps. She goes there to finalize the purchase of the Voralberg automation factory on behalf of her client, Universal Toys. But she soon finds out that while the director of the company, Anna Voralberg, has just died, Anna’s younger brother is still alive and is the heir to the family business. To find him, she has no choice but to begin a journey through the history of the 20th century. Little by little, she uncovers the story of Hans Voralberg, a genius inventor of complex automatons who has been in exile in Eastern Europe since childhood. For the first comics adaptation of his cult game, Benoît Sokal has chosen to revisit “Syberia” and propose an alternative version to the reader. The result is a perfect prelude to the third installment of the game and an ideal opportunity for the young illustrator Johann Blais, chosen by Sokal himself.


Tebori Volume 1

Yoshi, a troubled teenager, is sent by his grandfather to Seijun, a highly renowned tattoo artist. Against all expectations, the boy masters the art of tattooing, including the complicated Tebori technique. Ten years later, Seijun reveals a great secret to his apprentice: his clients are from the yakuza, the formidable Japanese mafia. Each tattoo they bear has a specific meaning, often to do with the murders they’ve committed. When Yoshi discover that his friend is tattooed with the same strange design as one of the yakuza bosses, his whole world turns upside down…


Tebori Volume 2

In order to escape his violent past as an ex-yakuza gang member, Yoshi becomes the apprentice of one of Japan’s greatest tattoo artists. But rather than escaping the yakuza, he finds himself constantly surrounded by them in the tattoo parlor. He then discovers that the sexy young woman he’s just met has a tattoo of a strange, winged creature on her back. But Yoshi already knows this design, because it was he that came up with it for one of the yakuza chiefs. What does this mean? And what’s this girl’s connection to the yakuza? Little by little, Yoshi discovers a dark back-story, far worse than anything he could ever have imagined.


Tebori Volume 3

Though young Yoshi immersed himself in tebori, the traditional art of Japanese tattooing, in order to escape his violent past, circumstances oblige him to—reluctantly—enter the underground world of Japan’s mafia, the yakuza. Haunted by a legendary creature warning of impending doom, and after discovering his girlfriend is in reality an undercover cop, Yoshi finds himself on the run, unsure of whom to trust and where to hide…


Sisco 07 — Murphy’s Law

Rikers Prison in New York is not a place anyone would choose to spend time—least of all Sisco. Fortunately for him, he’s thought to be safer out than in, but back in Paris he finds himself grounded. That doesn’t last long either, as Sisco walks right into yet another terrorist plot and finds himself being used by both sides. According to Murphy’s Law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong—and that certainly applies in Sisco’s case. But, of course, the man from Corsica is not one to be put off by a few setbacks …


The Adventures of Chick the 1st 1 — Tweetise on Existence

He’s a chick unlike any other! Right from day one, Chick the 1st is beleaguered by the doubts and questions that come with the capacity to reason. When the farmyard dog asks him “What are you?”, little does he suspect the turmoil of endless enigmas he provokes in our little chick’s mind. While seeking answers to his endless questions, Chick the 1st shakes up all the social conventions of the chicken coop, causing scandal left, right and center. With the help of his Aunt Gallina and the mouse that devours books, Chick the 1st grapples with reality, both in the abstract and literal sense!


Sisco 08 — In the National Interest

As ever with Sisco, it’s a case of “out of the frying pan, into the fire.” Having escaped (literally) from charges of conspiring with the Indian Secret Service, he finds himself being used as a scapegoat by another country’s agents. But who is it this time? The trail leads to his opposite number in the Internal Security Service—and there’s no love lost between them. There’s little doubt Sisco will save the day once more, but will his unorthodox methods meet with official approval this time? It’s about as likely as rain in the desert…
