European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Raptors Volume 4

Here we are again on Planet Earth of the near future, where vampires have reduced humankind to a hunted animal and protected species. Only a rare few still resist. Strange alliances are forming between raptors, humans and vampires with a mutual objective: to resolve the conflicts between life forces and death forces. We hear the groans rise up from the depths. There is a change in the wind. Little by little, fear diminishes, giving way instead to courage and combat. It’s carnage. Sons denounce their fathers and betrayal is rife. Get ready for the last act.

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Sisco 04 — Whisky and Coke

Sisco doesn’t trust anyone anymore—not even his boss. When someone tries to break into the supposedly secret hideout where the President’s wayward daughter is being kept away from the prying pens of the press, Sisco decides to take her to a location only he knows about. Trouble is, young Julie isn’t used to being told what to do—or what not to do. When she disobeys Sisco’s instructions, whoever’s after her is able to track her down. But what do they really want Julie for? As always, Sisco pieces it together … and finds himself in a trap.


Reality Show 1 — On Air

In a future age where robots take care of most of the more tedious tasks, humans have a lot of time on their hands. So what to do with it? Well, obviously, they’re going to watch the Norman K. Barron show! Norman is a handsome and heroic policeman, whose dealings have already cost the life of his partner, who has now been replaced by Oshi Feal, a young recruit fresh out of police school. But nothing could have prepared Oshi for this kind of mission, where unexpected developments are a must… After all, you gotta keep the viewers happy!

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Sisco 05 — Kalashnikov Diplomacy

When his troops come under fire from Albanian human-traffickers, the French President decides to ask the UN Security Council to step in—which means Sisco gets a trip to the Big Apple. However, what promises to be an all-in vacation, complete with classy embassy women, soon turns into a nightmare as the Albanian mafia and their suspicious US “partners” turn the high-level meeting into a no-holds-barred turf war. Nothing Sisco can’t take in his stride, of course—except for the fact that someone close to his heart is caught in the crossfire…


Reality Show 2 — Going Live

Things get increasingly tense as the sinister serial killer known as the ‘Red Triangle’ continues his gruesome massacres. Oshi and Norman are on his trail, closely watched, of course, by millions of viewers, but they don’t seem to be coming any closer to solving the mystery of his identity. At least, not until the killer reveals himself to Oshi herself, an encounter which she only just manages to escape alive… Meanwhile, Oshi and Norman’s relationship becomes more and more ambiguous, but where’s the line between reality and pretend?

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Sisco 06 — Negotiation by 9mm

Sisco is beginning to wish he’d never set foot in New York. His sister has been kidnapped by Albanian terrorists, the US security service has no idea where they’re holding her, and now they’re blackmailing him… With a little help from HQ and some unorthodox investigative techniques of his own, he finally tracks them down, but when the NYPD arrives on the scene, his rescue plan goes out the window. Not one to give in that easily, Sisco takes the law into his own hands – but even he can’t shoot his way out of this situation…


Reality Show 3 — Final Cut

Star of a reality show program produced by Médiacop, the super-cop Norman Barron continues chasing criminals. Along with his young and smart partner Oshii Feal, he is hunting down the “Red Triangle” — a gruesome robot-killer. Meanwhile the lawyers have discovered small fragments of an unknown shell as well as claw marks on the necks of the Red Triangle’s victims. As it turns out, the shells came from Mars…

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Reality Show 5 — Top rated show

When a pirate TV broadcast featuring live torture scenes becomes the number one rated show on the planet, Gullick, the CEO of MEDIACOP, sets up a master plan to use this snuff movie to increase viewership and market shares. Little by little he reveals his devious plot and with it the fate of Mediacop stars Oshi and Barron.

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Roger and His Humans Volume 1

Things look like they might be starting to turn around for thirty-odd year old no-hoper Hugo, when he finds a robot in his house on his birthday. But, as he soon discovers, this is no birthday present (no one seems to have remembered to get him anything!), but the handiwork of his cousin, an engineer in the French army, who realized that the robot he had been building was designed to destroy humanity. Forced to hide out with Hugo, Roger – as he decides to call himself – must learn to live with humans… No mean feat!
