European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Esteban 2 — Hunted

Esteban has finally earned his stripes as ship’s harpooner after having saved the crew from the wrath of a huge blue whale. But now their hunting ground is jeopardized by a steam boat that’s just shown up in the area. Faster and better equipped with explosive harpoons, these more modern ships massacre hoards of whales to extract only the part that sells for the highest price. In a madcap plan to neutralize their unfair competition, the captain of Esteban’s ship slips aboard the steamer to try and sabotage its engine. However, he’s not as gifted a mechanic as he might think, and it’s not long before the crew of the Leviathan have to haul anchor and set sail…


Game of Masks 1 — The Stingray

Paris, 1802. Bonaparte has just been proclaimed First Consul, provoking Fouché’s departure from the Police headquarters. The two men are now both set on finding a certain object, stolen by a beautiful prostitute, which could change their destiny. Bonaparte calls on the services of François, a petty thief otherwise known as “The Torpedo,” to recover the mysterious object.

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Djinn 12 — Honor Reclaimed

While the subtle games of power, sex and manipulation continue within the palace of Echinapur, the spirit of revolt amongst the townspeople with regard to the English presence comes into full force, suddenly and brutally. Meanwhile, we discover a new and unexpected side to the Maharajah himself, who at last assumes his responsibilities, winning his honor in the eyes of those closest to him. It all comes down to a bloody struggle between the English and the locals, but who will be victorious?

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Djinn 13 — Kim Nelson

Here, at long last, is the thirteenth and final volume of the epic Djinn series. We’ll finally discover the circumstances that lead Kim Nelson from India to Africa and back again, back to the cursed child princess of Eschinapur, to fulfill a vow made by the elusive Djinn, Jade. Kim truly comes into her own, assuming her power as a temptress in the name of justice and vengeance… vengeance always cruel, but always sweet…

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Drones 1 — Hellfire

Two women–each other’s nemeses. Louise Fernbach and Yun Shao. One a European soldier, the other a Catholic terrorist from China. Ever since she discovered Yun Shao was behind the deaths of some of her fallen comrades, Louise has been out for her blood. Whatever it takes. Louise shows no mercy. Louise is a drone pilot. For her, wars are just video games she plays from Copenhagen HQ. For Yun Shao, they are a fight to the death with disposable machinery. Welcome to modern warfare…


Drones 2 — PTSD

The war is at its peak. Louise is experiencing it from her drone pilot desk, which allows her the time to deal with family disputes and to go pick up the kids from school. Yun Shao, on the other hand, is right at the heart of the conflict, face to face with a robot. But soon the corpse of a soldier killed in combat comes along to remind Louise that war is not just the video game she thinks it is, sitting comfortably in her Stockholm headquarters…


El Mesias Volume 1

Jesús Fernández, aka El Pocero (the digger), used to be the richest man in Spain. At the top of his prosperity, he starts building a city that will be named after him. Until he sees his megalomaniac project crushed by the real estate crisis in 2008. Completely bankrupt, he decides to end his life. In a dramatic fit he writes a farewell letter, lights some candles, ties newspaper clippings about his greatest accomplishments around his chest and hangs himself. But fate seems to have other plans for him. At that exact same moment two police officers and a bailiff appear on his doorstep. They cut the noose around his neck… and throw him out of his house. He roams around desperately until he ends up in a bar in the next village. That’s where he first hears about the mythical village of Marinaleda, in the heart of Andalusia. A utopian place where villagers have turned their backs on capitalism and the crisis doesn’t seem to have struck. Since he’s got nothing left to lose, Jesús decides to go try his luck in Marinaleda.
