European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Thorgal 05 — Beyond the Shadows

An old man is looking for Thorgal, and finds him - but not in the shape he expected him to be. The old man however needs Thorgal to use the key he still has, the key to the second world. That is the only way he can save the life of Aaricia, who is dieing. The news about Aaricia (she is not dead!) wakes Thorgal out of his lethargy, and he undertakes a mission no mortal being has ever undertaken...

Thorgal 21 — Ogotai’s Crown

Three years ago, Thorgal lost his memory. Kriss of Valnor convinced him that he was her husband Shaigan, a merciless pirate, and they have been terrorising everyone—even the Vikings—ever since. Aaricia and Wolf Cub, exiled when Thorgal was recognised by one of the men from the northern village, have been captured and brought to Shaigan’s lair. In the end, it’s up to young Jolan to rescue his family with the help of a very special traveller... from the future!

Thorgal 06 — The Fall of Brek Zarith

Baron Zorn is forced to be part of an experimental flight - and doesn't survive it. After that Shardar the mighty takes Aaricia's son with him for an experiment. He uses powers that are in the child to bring up visions of threats. Vikings over the water, Galathorn and an army over land, barons and vassals planning to take the power... And one man on foot, all alone, and that is the biggest threat...

Thorgal 22 — Giants

In their island fortress, Kriss and Shaigan still reign over their band of pirates and raiders. But Shaigan is beginning to have doubts, and when a prisoner who knew him calls him Thorgal, the child of the stars begs the gods of Asgard to give him back his name and his destiny. In return, the gods require that Thorgal travel to the kingdom of giants and steal from their ruler... and then Thorgal will be Thorgal again.

Thorgal 07 — Child of the Stars

In the wild and inhospitable European far north, in the land of Scandinavian myth and runic legend, Viking warriors discover a child in a space capsule. Leif Haraldson adopts him and gives him the names of his gods: Thorgal Aegirsson, son of Thor (god of lightning) and son of Aegir (master of the sea). Upon Leif’s death, the Viking chief Gandalf the Insane isolates Thorgal from others. Only the friendship of Aaricia, the daughter of Gandalf, brightens Thorgal’s solitary childhood. Their mutual affection quickly turns into true love.

Thorgal 23 — The Cage

It is time at last for Thorgal to return to his family. However, Aaricia is not staying idle after her rescue by Jolan, and tries to put together a fleet to attack Shaigan’s stronghold – unaware that her husband is no longer the dreaded pirate lord. By the time the two find themselves on their own island again, Aaricia is disinclined to simply forgive everything, and locks Thorgal up in a cage while she makes up her mind about him.

Thorgal 08 — Alinoe

Thorgal and his family now live on an island, far away from other people. Before the winter Thorgal goes to the main land for some supplies, he'll be away for two days, maybe three. Meanwhile Jolan would like to have a friend to play with. And one day one appears, a boy with green hair...

Thorgal 09 — The Archers

Jolan has become a robust kid who is interested in everything. The strange signs he draws without knowing their meaning thoroughly intrigue his parents. During one escapade, he makes friends with a boy his age. The child seems to be lost and is terrified of adults. Along with being deaf and mute, he cannot answer questions raised by his mysterious presence.nSurprised by a storm, Thorgal has been taken in by an old couple. Without boat or money, he can’t return to his village. Perhaps an archery competition will allow him to buy a new boat. Of all the competitors, the beautiful Kriss de Valnor is without any doubt the most formidable...