European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

The Old Geezers 3 — The One Who Got Away

Things aren’t looking so good for the Geezers… one of them’s in the hospital, the other’s been arrested, and the third one is dealing with leaky roofs, drowning sheep, and eggs he doesn’t approve of. Two new characters make their appearance in this book, and through their stories we are taken to shark-infested waters and treasure-hunting in the Pacific, to village fairs, rugby matches, broken hearts, and behavior unbefitting neighbors–which continues to this day. Thank goodness young Sophie and her puppets are around to keep these old men in check.


The Kingdom 1 — Anne

Once upon a time there was a peaceful kingdom where life was good. It was a little country forgotten by its powerful neighbors and their incessant wars. A lovely little piece of land where lived a great many people, and every day they enjoyed the bounties bestowed upon them by the earth and sky. Of course, there was a king, Alain and Adrien (his ugly sons who were nonetheless kind, helpful boys), a grumpy queen, Cécile (the bathroom-hogging princess), and Anne. Pretty little Anne. Anne, who sings to the rising sun; Anne, who lights up the king’s nights; Anne, who speaks to the birds… Anne who opens a tavern where all these characters gather.


The Kingdom 2 — The Two Princesses

No doubt about it, life in the Kingdom was good! The tiny territory had been at peace for years. Every day, folks gave thanks for their good fortune and praised their King who ruled over them with kindness… Until one day, when Princess Cecile discovers her father’s dark secret, and the Kingdom’s peaceful future is thrown into the balance. Their only hope is Anne, the cheery innkeeper; François, the lovelorn blacksmith; and one shell-shocked little bird. Will they manage to save the Kingdom from the nefarious characters lurking in the shadows?


The Kingdom 3 — The Suitor

The Kingdom is a tranquil little territory that has lived in peace with its neighbors for years. What better way to ensure lasting concord than to betroth the Kingdom’s fair Princess Cecile to the prince of neighboring Arbedia? The two young royals eagerly await their first meeting, but their courtship is quickly imperiled by sabotaging sparrows, a bit of misguided witchcraft, and some unrealistic expectations. Will anyone be able to patch up the young fiancés’ relationship before their squabble turns into a diplomatic catastrophe? Hurry over to Anne’s tavern—as usual, that’s where all the action is…


The Kingdom 4 — Will You Marry Me?

The Kingdom is a tranquil little territory, as we all know by now, but a curious love triangle has cropped up to complicate things. François has been cooking up schemes to win Anne’s heart, but now Candice is in madly love with him and Anne must deal with her mounting jealousy. Still, she isn’t ready for marriage, despite the charming knucklehead’s continued proposals and steel-flower offerings. Will Candice manage to step in and thwart the eternal courtship?


The Kingdom 5 — Master Marcel’s Arms Race

Aaah, the Kingdom, that peaceful land where life is good. A place forgotten by its powerful neighbors and their incessant wars, where the subjects enjoy the bounties bestowed upon them by earth and sky. In short, a perfect nightmare if you happen to be an arms manufacturer. Who needs a battle-axe when the most vexatious enemy around is a talking songbird or catty rival? Master Marcel, proprietor of the local forge, may have found a way to increase demand for his weapons, but when his fear-mongering gets out of hand, it’s up to Anne and François to save the day.


The Amazing Adventures of Jules 1 — The Future Imperfect

Jules, a nice boy living a quiet life without any particular problems (except his little brother set on murdering his guinea pig), is selected by the Global Space Agency to take part in the first expedition to planet Alpha aboard an interstellar spaceship. The journey will last 8 weeks for the passengers, and 8 months in Earth-time (because of relativity)… Thus Jules embarks upon the voyage of a lifetime, stowaway guinea pig in tow, accompanied by the other members of this glorious team of space explorers: a couple of eccentrics who collect Nobel prizes; a rather tetchy roommate; a drunken pilot who seems to mess up the landings every time and endangers interplanetary peace; and a pretty exobiologist who will study any extraterrestrial life they come across. Get ready for takeoff!


Superdupont 1 — The Revival

The unique and truly French super hero is back, like a phoenix from the ashes, to save France once again and to restore it to greatness in a world going to the dogs. Superdupont’s reboot gets a kick-start with the birth of his son who, astonishingly, has inherited the supernatural powers of his father. Perhaps together they can finally bring down the enemies of their wonderful homeland!


The Adventures of Chick the 1st 1 — Tweetise on Existence

He’s a chick unlike any other! Right from day one, Chick the 1st is beleaguered by the doubts and questions that come with the capacity to reason. When the farmyard dog asks him “What are you?”, little does he suspect the turmoil of endless enigmas he provokes in our little chick’s mind. While seeking answers to his endless questions, Chick the 1st shakes up all the social conventions of the chicken coop, causing scandal left, right and center. With the help of his Aunt Gallina and the mouse that devours books, Chick the 1st grapples with reality, both in the abstract and literal sense!
