European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Papyrus 04 — The Evil Mummies

Theti-Cheri, daughter of Pharaoh, and her friend and protector Papyrus are on a mission to bring back to Thebes the mummies of 10 archers, long-dead warriors of Pharaoh Sekenenra-Taa, honoured for their sacrifice against the Hyksos invaders. But the mummies lie in the desert, domain of the god Seth, and the malevolent deity will use the dead themselves in his attempts to destroy the intruders. Separated from the expedition, Papyrus and Theti-Cheri will have to fend off wave after wave of evil mummies in order to survive and carry out their sacred mission.

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Papyrus 03 — Tutankhamun — The Assassinated Pharaoh

Thanks to a magical decoction, Papyrus travels back a century to meet the future Pharaoh, Tutankhamun, and his wife Ankhsenamon. Papyrus witnesses Tutankhamun’s murder and the sombre going-ons that follow his death. In danger, Papyrus is once again rescued by Theti-Cheri, his friend and the Pharaoh’s daughter. But before he returns to his own era, Papyrus discovers who has been looting the tombs of the Valley of the Kings.Thanks to a magical decoction, Papyrus travels back a century to meet the future Pharaoh, Tutankhamun, and his wife Ankhsenamon. Papyrus witnesses Tutankhamun’s murder and the sombre going-ons that follow his death.

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Papyrus 02 — Imhotep’s Transformation

This series tells the tribulations of a young fisherman, Papyrus, and the princess Theti-Cheri, daughter of the Pharaoh Merenptha, in a very precise reconstruction of old Egypt (the XIXth dynasty).Papyrus and his friend Imhotep head off for Sakkarah, where a statue must be erected to give praise to the Pharaoh. While navigating the Nile, they save an old man threatened by a crocodile. In Sakkarah, the Pharaoh’s life is threatened too: He has been poisoned. If he dies, the future will be very bleak… So our young heroes have the idea of letting the old man they saved play the role of Pharaoh, seeing as the two men look very much alike… But the deception may not last for long, and Papyrus has to find an antidote for the Pharaoh as quickly as he can!

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