European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

The Survivors Episode 5

Throughout a series of tragic events and temporal distortions, the marooned Humans have scattered, regrouped, lost each other and found each other again. Despite the constant violence and death, Marie and Alex have managed to survive and stay together – and even found themselves accepting a strange blue pill from a mysterious structure in the middle of the ocean. The arrival of an alien, Sven, will present them with a possible escape plan...

The Survivors Episode 4

Marie, Alex, Antac and Selkert have gone through another temporal disturbance after Djamila was captured by bizarre sentient cephalopods. The terrible news comes soon after: they've jumped forward almost a century! Horrified, devastated, they nonetheless launch an assault against the cephalopods' floating village, hoping that the temporal disturbance struck there too. But even if they find Djamila, what of their other companions - not to mention Earth and Aldebaran?

The Survivors Episode 3

Separated by a temporal shift phenomenon, the human survivors are together again. But where some, such as Marie and Alex, have only spent a few weeks on their new planet, for the others it's been six years! Six years they've spent with the Holorans, fellow castaways belonging to a felinoid race, one of whom Marie had rescued from hostile aliens. The Holorans have a plan: to use the very quantum anomalies that cause those temporal jumps in order to leave the planet.

The Survivors Episode 2

The small group of marooned humans, minus a few individuals who left after a difference of opinions, survived one group of aliens, received help from a second, and is now travelling towards what appears to be a town. But their adoptive planet is a truly peculiar place with many surprises in store: a wild and unknown nature, inhabitants with unpredictable attitudes and morals ... and other, even stranger phenomena well beyond their comprehension!

The Survivors Episode 1

During the early days of the colonisation of Aldebaran, the second colony ship is lost in transit with all hands, prompting Earth to abandon the project and strand the first wave of colonists. And yet, not everyone perished with the ship. A small group of survivors find themselves on a shuttle, headed towards an unexplored planet. Faced with the dangers of their new home as well as dissensions within the group, they soon discover they may not be alone…


Antares Episode 4

Kim’s group, still stranded halfway across Antares, must get back to the base camp through a journey filled with deadly encounters. Meanwhile, at the base camp, a trip to the neighbouring planet source of the strange ray that vaporised Kim’s daughter is being organised. The prospect of meeting an intelligent species, though, drives the religious fanatics in charge to clamp down on any person or activity deemed rebellious. As if a hostile world isn’t enough, the colonists have brought their own worst enemy with them...

Antares Episode 3

Bad luck, shoddy equipment and hostile fauna have stranded Kim and her companions thousands of miles from the Antares expedition’s base camp. Abandoned to their fate by the fanatical leaders who cannot abide Kim’s independent streak, wracked by internal dissent, the little group must make its way back through an unknown, terrifying land a long journey that will raise many questions and cost many lives.

Antares Episode 2

The Antares mission is underway. Kim, her daughter and her companions are on board the interstellar ship that carries the would-be colonists. Conditions are far from ideal, though. The fanaticism and bigotry of a large number of the passengers, all members of the project leader’s sect, are putting everyone on edge. As well, there are rumours of substandard equipment for the expedition. By the time they reach Antares, Kim and her friends are already disillusioned… and the worst is yet to come.

Antares Episode 1

Humanity migrates to a new planet, the secrets of which Kim Keller will have to unravel. After the failure of the Betelgeuse colonisation mission, Kim is back on Earth, where she is an increasingly popular figure. Meanwhile, advance scouts on planet Antares have witnessed some distressingly strange events. Worried about the future of this new mission, the sponsors of the Antares project call upon Kim to accompany the first colonists, offering legal amnesty for Alexa and Mark in exchange. It’s the beginning of a new adventure for the young woman and her friends.


Betelgeuse 3 — The Other

In this conclusion to the second cycle, Kim, Inge, Mai Lan and Hector have been camping for weeks in the wilds of Betelgeuse’s canyons, waiting for Hector’s ankle to heal. As they get ready to head back to the settlement, unaware that Alexa and Mark have finally reached the planet and made contact with the colonists, the mantris sends Kim an invitation! What follows is an extraordinary encounter that will decide the future of Betelgeuse and change the course of Kim’s life forever.