European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Sisco 08 — In the National Interest

As ever with Sisco, it’s a case of “out of the frying pan, into the fire.” Having escaped (literally) from charges of conspiring with the Indian Secret Service, he finds himself being used as a scapegoat by another country’s agents. But who is it this time? The trail leads to his opposite number in the Internal Security Service—and there’s no love lost between them. There’s little doubt Sisco will save the day once more, but will his unorthodox methods meet with official approval this time? It’s about as likely as rain in the desert…


Sisco 09 — Black Gold

Sisco has been away from the action for a while, and his new civilian job—babysitting a playboy tycoon who’s living it up in the South of France—is working out just fine for him, thank you very much. But all good things must come to an end. When he finds out that his ex-girlfriend Manon is in trouble, he reluctantly accepts a job for his former boss at the Palace in exchange for help rescuing her. It seems straightforward enough, except that there is one important detail Dupré has neglected to tell him…


Sisco 10 — Maori Blues

Once again, Sisco has made his way out of one hole only to find himself deep in another one—a particularly black one. To extricate himself this time—and, of course, spare his country international scandal and embarrassment—he has to resort to an unusual amount of double-dealing. As usual, too, there’s a distractingly attractive woman involved, and she’s prepared to go to any lengths to get what she wants. All Sisco wants is a quiet little business at the other end of the earth… but he isn’t likely to get it anytime soon.


Sisco 01 — Shoot When You’re Told

Agent Sisco-Castiglioni—Sisco for short—is responsible for protecting the President… which doesn’t necessarily mean he’s on the President’s side. Nor are his colleagues necessarily on his. When an ill-advised business deal threatens to embarrass the country’s leader, Sisco is called in to take drastic action. But what should have happened behind closed doors is witnessed from a window—and the chase is on to prevent embarrassment turning into national scandal… In Part 1 of this episode, the question is: Is it possible to get away with murder?


Sisco 02 — Shut Her Up!

In Part 2 of this episode, French Presidential guard Sisco-Castiglioni—Sisco for short—is chasing an incriminating video, which was last seen in the hands of an elusive journalist. When he finally catches up with her, he discovers that the video is least of his worries. First, he has some departmental rivalries to deal with—and it isn’t always clear whose side everyone’s on. Apart from their own, of course. But with his trademark combination of guts, brains, brawn, and sheer luck, Sisco is always sure to come out on top—in more ways than one …


Sisco 03 — Gin Fizz

Sisco is in hot water. His last mission didn’t quite go according to plan. His punishment? Looking after the President’s teenage daughter, Julie. Seems like a cushy number—though hardly Sisco’s ideal assignment—until he discovers that gin fizz isn’t the only “cocktail” young Julie is partial to. Which is particularly bad news seeing that her father is intent on bringing in a new vice law. There’s worse. Someone seems to have the girl in their sights. What looked like just a babysitting job turns out to be a deadly game of cat and mouse …


Sisco 04 — Whisky and Coke

Sisco doesn’t trust anyone anymore—not even his boss. When someone tries to break into the supposedly secret hideout where the President’s wayward daughter is being kept away from the prying pens of the press, Sisco decides to take her to a location only he knows about. Trouble is, young Julie isn’t used to being told what to do—or what not to do. When she disobeys Sisco’s instructions, whoever’s after her is able to track her down. But what do they really want Julie for? As always, Sisco pieces it together … and finds himself in a trap.


Sisco 05 — Kalashnikov Diplomacy

When his troops come under fire from Albanian human-traffickers, the French President decides to ask the UN Security Council to step in—which means Sisco gets a trip to the Big Apple. However, what promises to be an all-in vacation, complete with classy embassy women, soon turns into a nightmare as the Albanian mafia and their suspicious US “partners” turn the high-level meeting into a no-holds-barred turf war. Nothing Sisco can’t take in his stride, of course—except for the fact that someone close to his heart is caught in the crossfire…


Sisco 06 — Negotiation by 9mm

Sisco is beginning to wish he’d never set foot in New York. His sister has been kidnapped by Albanian terrorists, the US security service has no idea where they’re holding her, and now they’re blackmailing him… With a little help from HQ and some unorthodox investigative techniques of his own, he finally tracks them down, but when the NYPD arrives on the scene, his rescue plan goes out the window. Not one to give in that easily, Sisco takes the law into his own hands – but even he can’t shoot his way out of this situation…


Ken Games 1 — Rock

This first volume of the Ken Games series gives us a profile of Peter Fermat (aka Rock), a young man who, like each of the three main characters, is leading a double life. His story opens with a boxing match which has a nasty ending for the up-and-coming boxer, despite his victory. It’s not long before we discover that Rock is not only striving to make it in the boxing world, but is also something of a mathematical genius, which is how he met his best friend, TJ. For the first time in all their years of friendship, TJ introduces Rock to a girlfriend, the lovely Anne. Anne and Rock soon establish a bond of trust when Rock discovers that Anne too is living a double life, even though Anne’s secret is not exactly what she leads Rock to believe. This is just the beginning of the tangled web of lies and deception that gets ever more convoluted as the series goes on…

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