European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Black Cotton Star Part 2

Philadelphia, 1776: George Washington asks Betsy Ross to design the first flag of the future United States of America. Her housemaid, Angela Brown, adds to it a secret tribute to the black community: a black cotton star that she slips under one of the white stars.

Dover, 1944: A soldier named Lincoln receives a letter that reveals Angela Brown's memoirs. Does the star that she mentions truly exist? In light of this revelation, three African-American soldiers set out on a dangerous mission, ranging from liberated Paris to the snow-covered Ardennes, seeking answers, and the ultimate prize...

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Wayne Shelton 5 — The Vengeance

Thirty years after Hooker's betrayal and the massacre at Cao-Dinh, Shelton discovered he had the next best thing to a son ... and lost him immediately. Filled with hatred and rage, the adventurer methodically tracks down Mrs Yoon, Hooker's right arm and murderer of Tran. It's a long and obstacle-strewn quest, but Wayne is a professional. Which does leave the hardest question of all: what will he do once he's found his old nemesis?


The story takes place in equatorial Africa, where Dario Ferrer, a park ranger in a nature reserve, protects animals from poaching. A female journalist pays him a visit because she wants to interview the poachers and believes Dario can arrange it. He agrees and somehow they end up in a place where soldiers have just committed a massacre.

Now they must run for their lives as they are being hunted by a hitman who wants to prevent them from telling the world about what they have just seen.

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Wayne Shelton 4 — The Survivor

During a garden party in California, Shelton is approached by a clearly determined individual. The man tells him that he is there on behalf of Wayne’s son, who apparently tracked down one Rod Hooker. The thing is, Sergeant Hooker once served under Shelton in Vietnam, on a mission that ended in betrayal and carnage. The hunt is on for our trouble shooter for hire, although there is one problem: he’s never had any children...


Wayne Shelton 3 — The Contract

Wayne Shelton has a sad duty to fulfil: give the heirs of his deceased team members their share of the pay for the disastrous Khalakjistan mission. But the solemnity of the task is quickly shattered: two hitmen attempt to shoot him in South America, then a bomb is placed under his car in the USA... Who exactly placed such an extravagant price on Shelton’s head? And who’s the mysterious biker trailing him?


Wayne Shelton 2 — The Betrayal

Wayne Shelton is ready to proceed with the mission and spring his quarry from a Khalak prison. There is a small concern over Madrier, the Frenchman who talked his way onto the team – only to abandon them after he was revealed to be the son of a Khalak dissident… A job’s a job, though, and Shelton gave his word to his employer. But what if there are other separate, secret interests among the little band that could jeopardize everything?


Insiders 2 — Missiles for Islamabad

Najah Cruz has infiltrated the entourage of Sam Nachez, head of the international organised-crime ring known as the High Council. She’s an insider, working directly for the White House. And she’s been cut off from her bosses.

While corrupt forces in Washington are trying to identify her and kill Project Insiders, Najah goes to Pakistan with Nachez to arrange the sale of French cruise missiles to the Pakistani Air Force. But not everyone in Nachez’s inner circle is convinced of her loyalty, and Pakistan is a troubled country in its own right…


Wayne Shelton 1 — The Mission

When a high-ranking official of a small nation in the Caucasus is killed in a car accident, the plans of a massive multinational corporation are derailed by one man: the unfortunate French trucker who caused the accident. Pressure from the unions in France and the military in Khalakjistan prevents a quick diplomatic solution. So, to secure its own interests, the corporation calls upon the one man who can break the trucker out of prison and disarm the confrontation: Wayne Shelton.


Insiders 1 — Chechen Guerrilla

They are businessmen, politicians or first-rate financiers… But many of them are only the visible cogs of a vast worldwide mafia, its activities hidden underground but its façade increasingly legal… Faced with this threat that undermines what’s left of our democracies, the White House decides to rise to the challenge. Its secret weapon: Najah! Officially, she will become the right arm of one of the secret Bosses… In reality, Najah is an undercover agent. An Insider… Her mission: Bring the various heads of the mafia hydra to light in a gigantic, global game of poker!

This two-volume book includes "Operation Offshore."
