European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

The Bleiberg Project 1 — Ghosts of the Past

The life of Jeremy Corbin, an unhappy, alcoholic Wall Street trader, takes a drastic turn when he learns shocking news about his long-lost father. He soon finds himself headed to Switzerland to pick up a mysterious safe deposit box whose contents hold the key to a terrible secret: horrific experiments carried out by the Nazis during WWII in their quest to create the Superman. With modern-day Nazis on his tail, a pretty, wise-cracking CIA agent assigned to protect him, and a deadly spy from Israeli intelligence blasting onto the scene at the most critical moments, his early-morning cocktail is suddenly the last thing on Jeremy’s mind.

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The Bleiberg Project 2 — Deep Zone

Jeremy Corbin and his two new BFFs, i.e. the Mossad and CIA intelligence agents assigned to protect him, travel to Belgium to pursue their quest for answers regarding the identity and plans of the secret and highly influential organization known as The Consortium. In between dodging brutal attempts on their lives and getting to know each other better, the trio uncovers more terrifying information about the Bleiberg Project carried out in Nazi concentration camps during WWII, which was not as unsuccessful as previously thought and which could very well present a new and much greater threat.

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The Campbells 1 — Inferno

After his wife’s brutal murder, Campbell, a pirate legend, gave up his life on the open seas to raise his two young daughters in peace. But, inevitably, his past eventually catches up with him in the form of Carapepino, a pretentious but clumsy pirate, desperately trying to win favour with the infamous Inferno. For his own sinister reasons, Inferno wants more than anything to get rid of Campbell and his offspring, once and for all. But Campbell and Inferno are bound to each other in ways that those around them would never have guessed…“It’s laugh out loud funny, hits you in the heart when you least expect it, then stops you dead in your tracks to stare at the art.


The Campbells 2 — The Formidable Captain Morgan

Following Captain Inferno’s discovery of his whereabouts, Campbell and his two young daughters have been forced to flee their home and seek refuge on Bakalaoo Island, the leper colony. The slow pace of life in their new home gives Campbell plenty of time to reflect on his past, including his early encounters with enigmatic Nancy, the mother of his children, and his brother’s vendetta against the formidable Captain Morgan, whose true identity remains a mystery. Meanwhile, Carapepino is up to no good again, and teenage Itaca is suffering her first heartbreak.“It’s laugh out loud funny, hits you in the heart when you least expect it, then stops you dead in your tracks to stare at the art. “The Campbells” is a real winner. It’s everything I read BD for.” Pipeline Comics


The Campbells 3 — Kidnapped!

Itaca is sure that something bad has happened when Campbell never shows up to collect her and Genova from the bookstore in town. And her fears are not unfounded… it turns out that Campbell has been kidnapped for mysterious reasons somehow connected with his estranged villain of a brother, Inferno. The Campbell girls prove themselves worthy of their pirate heritage as they launch a rescue mission for their dad, with a little help from their trusty friends and allies. “It’s laugh out loud funny, hits you in the heart when you least expect it, then stops you dead in your tracks to stare at the art. “The Campbells” is a real winner. It’s everything I read BD for.” Pipeline Comics


Tebori Volume 3

Though young Yoshi immersed himself in tebori, the traditional art of Japanese tattooing, in order to escape his violent past, circumstances oblige him to—reluctantly—enter the underground world of Japan’s mafia, the yakuza. Haunted by a legendary creature warning of impending doom, and after discovering his girlfriend is in reality an undercover cop, Yoshi finds himself on the run, unsure of whom to trust and where to hide…


Sisco 07 — Murphy’s Law

Rikers Prison in New York is not a place anyone would choose to spend time—least of all Sisco. Fortunately for him, he’s thought to be safer out than in, but back in Paris he finds himself grounded. That doesn’t last long either, as Sisco walks right into yet another terrorist plot and finds himself being used by both sides. According to Murphy’s Law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong—and that certainly applies in Sisco’s case. But, of course, the man from Corsica is not one to be put off by a few setbacks …


The Adventures of Chick the 1st 1 — Tweetise on Existence

He’s a chick unlike any other! Right from day one, Chick the 1st is beleaguered by the doubts and questions that come with the capacity to reason. When the farmyard dog asks him “What are you?”, little does he suspect the turmoil of endless enigmas he provokes in our little chick’s mind. While seeking answers to his endless questions, Chick the 1st shakes up all the social conventions of the chicken coop, causing scandal left, right and center. With the help of his Aunt Gallina and the mouse that devours books, Chick the 1st grapples with reality, both in the abstract and literal sense!


Sisco 08 — In the National Interest

As ever with Sisco, it’s a case of “out of the frying pan, into the fire.” Having escaped (literally) from charges of conspiring with the Indian Secret Service, he finds himself being used as a scapegoat by another country’s agents. But who is it this time? The trail leads to his opposite number in the Internal Security Service—and there’s no love lost between them. There’s little doubt Sisco will save the day once more, but will his unorthodox methods meet with official approval this time? It’s about as likely as rain in the desert…
