European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Sisco 03 — Gin Fizz

Sisco is in hot water. His last mission didn’t quite go according to plan. His punishment? Looking after the President’s teenage daughter, Julie. Seems like a cushy number—though hardly Sisco’s ideal assignment—until he discovers that gin fizz isn’t the only “cocktail” young Julie is partial to. Which is particularly bad news seeing that her father is intent on bringing in a new vice law. There’s worse. Someone seems to have the girl in their sights. What looked like just a babysitting job turns out to be a deadly game of cat and mouse …


Raptors Volume 4

Here we are again on Planet Earth of the near future, where vampires have reduced humankind to a hunted animal and protected species. Only a rare few still resist. Strange alliances are forming between raptors, humans and vampires with a mutual objective: to resolve the conflicts between life forces and death forces. We hear the groans rise up from the depths. There is a change in the wind. Little by little, fear diminishes, giving way instead to courage and combat. It’s carnage. Sons denounce their fathers and betrayal is rife. Get ready for the last act.

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Sisco 04 — Whisky and Coke

Sisco doesn’t trust anyone anymore—not even his boss. When someone tries to break into the supposedly secret hideout where the President’s wayward daughter is being kept away from the prying pens of the press, Sisco decides to take her to a location only he knows about. Trouble is, young Julie isn’t used to being told what to do—or what not to do. When she disobeys Sisco’s instructions, whoever’s after her is able to track her down. But what do they really want Julie for? As always, Sisco pieces it together … and finds himself in a trap.


Pico Bogue 5 — Minor Conflict

It’s summer vacation time! And Pico and Anna are enjoying every minute: friends, fun, pool, lounging, sunshine… this is the life! Until… all of a sudden, it all goes wrong. Pico and Anna’s parents decide to go away on a week-long sailing trip… WITHOUT THEM! Big mistake. Pico and Anna soon refine their guilt-tripping tactics…!


Pin-up 01 — Remember Pearl Harbor

It’s 1943 and all-American Joe is heading off to fight the Japanese. His distraught fiancé Dottie Partington is fired from her job as a movie usher, and a friend helps her find employment at the Yoyo Club, a cabaret favored by soon-to-be-deployed US Air Force personnel. In the meantime, Joe is marooned on an atoll in the South Pacific, where he experiences firsthand the terror of war, and encounters a motley crew of fictional and real-life characters. Back in the States, famed cartoonist Milton approaches Dottie and uses her as the model for his new comic strip, “Poison Ivy,” which centers on the adventures of a patriotic vamp capable of making soldiers “forget their girlfriends back home.” The strip is a runaway success and kindles the fantasies of GIs across the globe, eventually reaching even Joe.


Pin-up 02 — Poison Ivy

Dottie works in a munitions factory as a WAC, while her fiancé Joe is stationed in the Pacific. A colonel visits Dottie to convince her to resume posing for cartoonist Milton, and that “Poison Ivy” is the patriotic boost the troops really need. She agrees and then sees a newsreel with footage of Joe declaring that he wishes to spend a night with “Poison Ivy”—the fictional sex bomb he doesn’t realize is actually his fiancée. Dottie travels to the front on a publicity tour, and destiny brings her—and her desire for revenge—face-to-face with the unwitting Joe.


Pin-up 03 — Flying Dottie

President Truman drops two atomic bombs on Japan, and Dottie cuts ties with Milton and begins posing for lowlife cheesecake photographer, Irving Klaw. In the meantime, a shadowy figure with a vendetta against ex-Yoyo Club girls persists in evading police. While Colonel Eigrutel shows a marked interest in Talullah, Milton tries to track the increasingly bitter Dottie down, and a war-injured Joe wastes away in a squat for the homeless. Everything comes to a head one dark night in the New York City.
