European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Marzi 1 — Little Carp

“Before, there were trees and countryside. Man didn’t intervene. Stalin decided to “rectify” that space, and now, instead of trees, there are concrete buildings, everywhere. Stalin had a factory built. Thanks to that, lots of people got jobs, like my dad.” Born in 1979, Marzi is a 7-year-old Polish girl who looks wide-eyed at the world around her: her parents, her family, her school friends and the crabby women at the grocery store who don’t even smile for a fruit delivery. Marzi lives on a council estate in an industrial town, and is a cheerful, carefree, mischievous and perceptive little girl, bound to run into many adventures!


Ken Games 4 — Louviers

This prequel to the Ken Games series gives us a little more insight into the enigmatic Louviers, Anne’s childhood sweetheart and partner-in-crime. Louviers is at the end of his tether. He blows up the apartment he shares with Anne and takes flight. After this incident, he accepts a contract in a war zone. Once he’s there, he finds himself struggling as much with the suspiciously vague information on his target as he does understanding the language. Consumed by doubt, he falls victim to the ghosts of the past and his eternal, impossible love for Anne begins to devour him…

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Koralovski 1 — The Oligarch

Viktor Koralovski was Russia’s Oil King–a title that earned him the wrath of President Khanine and ten years in prison. An unexpected missile attack allows Koralovski to escape. However, he soon learns that while he was locked up, his friends and enemies have become almost indistinguishable, which leads to his current position at the centre of a vast conspiracy that threatens to engulf the entire oil industry!

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Koralovski 2 — In the Earth’s Shadow

Aboard the yacht that saved them, Koralovski and his companions are en route towards an off-shore laboratory belonging to his company. In fact, this is not just any laboratory; it’s the laboratory that was developing a revolutionary process allowing the extraction of an entire petrol deposit that had supposedly run out. But when they arrive at the laboratory, the place is completely deserted…

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Koralovski 3 — Burning Horizons

Koralovski’s long-awaited confrontation with President Khanine is cut short when the threat of a nuclear attack on Kazakhstan comes to light, targeting one of the biggest oil deposits in the world. Not knowing the extent of enemy infiltration in their national security services, Koralovski and his team have no choice but to deal with the crisis themselves, and try to prevent the worst from happening.

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Leonardo 1 — Leonardo the Genius

Leonardo is a genius. Full of boundless energy, he spends his days tinkering with his inventions and trying to solve life’s scientific mysteries… often to the detriment of his poor ‘disciple’, who is willing to go to the most extreme lengths in the service of science. Welcome to a world of discovery, fun and pure madness!

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Leonardo 2 — Leonardo is Still a Genius

Profit margins, inventions without a purpose, lost jewelry—these are just a few of the everyday problems you face when you’re Leonardo, the world-famous genius. Things only get more difficult when you throw in an injury-prone disciple whose own inventions all seem to go “boom!” Who knows? Someday the pupil might surpass the master—if he can ever manage to get up before the sun goes down!

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Lethal Lullaby 1 — Telenko’s Heart

Telenko, a New York taxi driver, spends his days ferrying around the dregs of society in one of the city’s roughest neighborhoods. He has an obsessive fear of dying like a guy he saw in a film, who’d hear his heart stop every 15 beats. Because Telenko himself has a tired heart. He has a minor case of tachycardia and the odd extra systole, not helped by his stressful job and the constant abuse from his wheelchair-bound wife, Martha: “You don’t divorce a wife in a wheelchair, Telenko!” She’ll get what’s coming to her, no doubt. Just like that slut who just got in his taxi who’s fooling around with some other guy right under her decrepit old husband’s nose. So he decides to kill Martha. But you gotta have some guts to kill your wife in cold blood. Especially when she’s got a nasty surprise in store…

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Lethal Lullaby 2 — Martha’s legs

Martha could have chosen another man. In that dump where she grew up, they were all falling at her feet. Because of her legs, actually – dancer’s legs. But she loved Joe Telenko, a guy who drank too much and drove too fast. And ever since the accident, it’s over. Just like life. These days, Martha chews over her hatred in a wheelchair. While Joe slogs around New York’s shadiest neighborhoods in his taxi, she creeps around the house, rummaging through his things and reading his journal, just to get an idea of what his life is like. Nothing particularly surprising: some girl he hooks up with when he’s got enough cash to get her drunk, visits to Arthur the medic, a tachycardia problem and a few notes like “I’m going to kill her.” That’s right. Joe wants Martha’s head on a platter, and Martha herself would like to see Joe croak. The only reason they don’t separate is because each of them hopes to one day gaze down on the corpse of the other…

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Lethal Lullaby 3 — Dillon’s Memory

We’ve seen Joe Telenko, we’ve seen Martha, and now we’re plunged into the day to day existence of Dillon, a Native American and father of the boy that Telenko killed in a tragic car accident. Dillon is now in a living hell. He’s lost everything. He’s miles from his homeland, pushed to the margins of an inhospitable society. And he’ll do anything to eliminate Joe Telenko, the source of all his woes.

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