European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Louca 1 — Kickoff

Adolescence is a terrible time for most people. For Louca, it’s especially bad! Generally mediocre, a poor student, awkward with girls… he’s a walking disaster. But Louca has decided: starting tomorrow, he’s going to change! Still, that’s easier said than done… especially when your own mind keeps changing! Luckily, Louca will get a helping hand from a certain fellow named Nathan. Good-looking, amazing at football, funny, smart… this Nathan certainly seems like the perfect guy, and the best coach Louca could possibly hope for. With one little exception: Nathan is a ghost… How did Nathan die? Why can only Louca see him? Will Nathan manage to turn Louca into the kind of guy people want to be with? Will Louca manage both to pass his exams, and to win over Julie, the girl of his dreams?

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Louca 2 — Face-off

Louca has gone from high school nerd to soccer superstar overnight, thanks to leading his team to victory during the last game. Except that he only did that thanks to… a ghost named Nathan! Louca’s the only one who can see and converse with Nathan, a former ace soccer player who has taken to coaching his clueless new friend. Can Louca, as the big game approaches, keep up the act of being a great athlete in front of his family, his classmates, and the love of his life Julie? Will Nathan uncover the tragic secret behind his premature passing? The pressure is on!

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Louca 3 — If Only…

The pressure is on and the clock is ticking in Book 3! As his team prepares for the big, fateful match against the mighty Condors, Louca is having his usual hard time concentrating. What can he do to impress Julie? How can he make sure not to let his little brother down? And… how could Nathan the friendly ghost have dumped him at this critical juncture, when he knows very well that Louca can’t actually play soccer? But Nathan has more pressing matters to attend to, and as memories of the day he died start coming back, he can feel his past rushing towards his present in a terrifying, ominous way…

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Isabellae 3 — Daughters of Eire

Isabellae’s quest to track down her sister Suiko has now become a matter of the greatest urgency. Suiko is the only one with the power to heal Jinku, who has been bitten by one of the zombies summoned to the South China Seas. Our redheaded swordswoman, Isabellae, knows of only one way to get money quickly to finance her search: bounty hunting! As she writes history in ideograms of blood, little does she know that the family reunion will take place sooner than planned…

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Isabellae 4 — Under the Tomb of 500 Kings

And now, a total change of scene for the saber-toting redhead! Now that Suiko, dying, revealed the true nature of their family’s destiny, Isabellae has gone off to the land of her roots, Ireland. Her Celtic relatives have quite the surprise in store for her. She’ll end up joining the combat for the control of the island. And yet, no training could have prepared her to face the enemy that lies under the tomb of 500 kings…

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Isabellae 5 — The Dark Song of the Fomorian Gods

In an effort to defeat the English invaders and their Norman mercenaries and free their island from the yoke of the Crown, the druids of Ireland strike an unholy alliance with fearsome entities summoned from the darkness: the ancient Fomorian gods and their armies. Surrounded by monsters of unprecedented power, Isabellae, her friends, the Irish people and the English forces unite to wage the battle of their lives and save humanity from a horrific fate.

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Isabellae 6 — Butterflies in the Mist

On the sacred Hill of Tara, the children of Eire prepare to wage their final battle, this one against an army of powerful winged creatures claiming to serve the one true God. The remaining members of Isabellae’s group are ready to die fighting at their friend’s side, but additional help arrives in the most unexpected form, as the bloody conflict takes on epic proportions and the fate of all lies in its outcome. Themes of sacrifice, honor, and the true meaning of the way of the warrior come shining through in Book 6 of the series.

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Jeremy 1 — Paradise Island

Frankie wins the first prize in a contest: a round-the-world trip with four friends aboard the Silver Wave. Little do they know that James, their arch enemy, is watching them, patiently waiting to teach Jeremy and his friends a little lesson… But not everything goes as planned.


Jeremy 2 — Children in Charge

In the middle of the night, Jeremy receives a phone call from professor Braynard. The world famous inventor is really excited… Jeremy has to go see him immediately, because he just invented something really special! Thanks to his wisdom elixir, children will never have to go to school again. Jeremy tries it and indeed… The elixir works! In no time, the children are in charge…
