European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Human Stock Exchange 1

This opening episode of H.$.E presents us a world in the midst of an unprecedented financial crisis. Still, although the economy of industrialized countries is in tatters, unemployment has rocketed and millions of small business have gone bankrupt, there does seem to be one thing maintaining its financial value: the human being. Members of the social elite can have themselves listed on the stock market. So the stock market is no longer exclusively the privilege of corporate bodies, but of individual human bodies too! They can collect capital by wearing a “rate watch” indicating their popularity ratings. Felix Fox needs money. He wants one thing and one thing only: to get listed. After much persuasion, he finally gets there. With the backing of the creator of the Human Stock Exchange, he sits back and watches as his ratings soar. But of course, there is always a price to pay…


Human Stock Exchange 2

Car salesman Felix Fox’s life has changed. Drastically. Since he signed himself on to the stock market, his various shareholders are practically showering him in money. But there’s a high price to pay: his shareholders require daily updates on every aspect of his life, and have ultimate control over his person in both his professional and private activities, including matters of the heart. He might be getting richer by the minute, but Felix is in a downward spiral…


Human Stock Exchange 3

After an initial period of euphoria at his wild success on the Human Stock Exchange, Felix discovers the exorbitant price of his new life and the Faustian pact he has made. Constantly monitored by the rate watch on his wrist, bound by the orders of his shareholders, Felix must do everything in his power to increase the price of his shares. Until the day his board of directors orders him to make his partner, Rachel, have an abortion. Felix negotiates an extension in an attempt to avoid committing this irrevocable act. However, upon discovering that Felix asked merely to delay the request rather than refusing it outright, Rachel leaves him. Felix finally sees the monster he has become. But it’s too late…


Game of Masks 4 — The Two Grasshoppers

As the hour of First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte’s glory approaches, his paranoia intensifies and heads start to roll. More plotting, more backstabbing… A not-so-pretty young society lady is courted by an ambitious young man with dubious intentions; a sinister priest enters the scene; a man hangs in a jail cell; a young prostitute’s fate is sealed; an aristocrat is wrongfully accused; and a mysterious pack of wolves roams the streets of Paris as History marches on, unstoppable.

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Golden Dogs 3 — Judge Aaron

After their anguished separation years previously, only two of the original four Golden Dogs are left: Lario and Fanny. When they find each other again, they set about trying to establish what happened to the other two members of their notorious gang. Meanwhile, the sinister Judge Aaron is out to get them. Only the four of them, together, will be able to topple Aaron and his authoritarian regime.


Game of Masks 5 — The Cockerels

All of France is in a tizzy as Napoleon’s coronation as Emperor of the French People draws near, and the most pressing issues at court revolve around seating arrangements, optimal viewing of the ceremony and the Pope’s traveling entourage. This isn’t to say that scheming and shenanigans have taken a backseat, however: a heartbroken young lady seeks poisonous revenge, a redheaded Squirrel gets caught by an Ant, the sinister priest is back… and in the midst of all this, the two men with the masks finally decide to meet face to face.

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Golden Dogs 4 — Four

In the fourth and final volume of Golden Dogs, the infamous quartet overcome their rift and come together for one last mission: to get their vengeance on the parsimonious Judge Aaron by pulling off the most sensational heist London town has ever seen! But it soon becomes clear that Orwood has an ulterior motive… It’s at long last time to find out about his mysterious past, and his true desires.


Game of Masks 6 — The Ermine

Paris, 1804. First Consul Napoleon Bonaparte is hours away from becoming Emperor of the French People. The Bee is about to change History and embrace his destiny, while the Ant makes a desperate attempt to change his. Enemies rush about with last-minute plans to eliminate the usurper, a Squirrel and a Stingray get chummy, the mysterious veiled woman finally speaks, the underworld prepares for some changes… and a mask is up for grabs.

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Gunblast Girls 1 — In Your Face Loser!

Heroines who fear neither God nor man, these big-hearted bad girls will take you to every corner of the known universe. Assuming, obviously, that a universe has four corners: there might just be a multitude! You’ll follow them through multiple layers of the space-time continuum. Fasten your seatbelts, because adventure for these ladies is a game who’s purpose is to live at the speed of light. That said: light-speed is for oldsters!


Giant 1/2

March 1932, New York. Dan Shackelton is an Irish migrant. Like many of his fellow countrymen, he has found work on the construction site of the Rockefeller Center. He is to replace Ryan Murphy, a worker who died on the site. Dan works with a quiet, broad-shouldered man named Giant who is in charge of informing Ryan Murphy’s family of the news. But Giant decides not to say anything. Instead, he sends a substantial sum of money accompanied by an unsigned, typewritten letter. When he receives a response from Ryan’s widow, Mary Ann, Giant writes to her again, tangling himself up in a web of lies. Little by little, the enigmatic Giant starts to come out of his shell, until one day, when Mary Ann shows up in New York with her three children, ready to join her husband.
