European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Pin-up 10 — The Case of Alfred H.

Last seen hunting aquatic snakes in Hawaii, Dottie is now an amateur detective in Los Angeles. On her first case, our favorite pin up finds herself searching for a mysteriously missing starlet, as she takes on a role in Alfred Hitchcock’s new thriller! After exploring the grisly Las Vegas underworld and the dark side of paradise, with this tenth installment the authors of Pin-Up offer a fascinating look at behind-the-scenes Hollywood, marked by murders worthy of the master of suspense himself.

Sherman 6 — Forgiveness: Jeannie

The six-part first arc of the “Sherman” saga comes to a stunning end as Jay Sherman races to save his estranged daughter Jeannie and find the mastermind behind his son’s assassination. This quintessentially self-made man has pulled himself up from the streets to become a powerful banker, but he’s made a lot of enemies along the way, from gangsters to jealous financiers to Nazi war criminals. But with all of them in FBI custody, who’s left now to pull the strings? Who’s been playing this twisted game of cat and mouse? Jay lays his life on the line to find out.

The Music Box 2 — Cyprian’s Secret

Having recently discovered the world of Pandorient, Nola can’t resist the temptation to go back. Unfortunately, she didn’t choose the best day! The streets of Pandorient are packed with people. Today, they’re celebrating the 350th birthday of King Hectorian the First! It’s not easy for her to blend in. Luckily, Anton the great Merlinian is there to give her camouflage powder. But it’s no time for festivities! Nola, Igor, and Andrea have a mystery to solve: will they learn the secret of Cyprian, Anton’s son? And will they be able to thwart the terrible plot brewing in the shadows?

Theodore Poussin 3 — Mary Verity

Former shipping company clerk turned adventurer Theodore Poussin arrives on the oyster farming island of Long Andju in Malaysia looking for a mysterious woman who has gone missing. She disappeared during a bloody coup d’etat in which her father lost control of the land. A contaminated oyster reef has rendered the last pearl harvest worthless, and tensions are rising on the small island, as pirates, sailors, assassins, rajahs, foreign businessmen, diplomats, and amorous youths all scheme to get what they want, be it power, gold, pearls, or the affection of their heart’s desire. The mysterious Mr. November is once again along for the ride, in a tale dripping with the mood and humidity of its tropical colonial setting.

Islandia 1 — Boreal Landing

In 17th-century Europe, Jacques, a young orphan from France, stows away aboard a fishing boat heading to the northern waters. Willing to brave the dangers and the rough life of a sailor, he is intent on one goal: to go to Iceland. There he hopes to find answers to the mysterious visions that have plagued him since childhood, his unexplained ability to speak and read Icelandic, and also to the strange phenomena that often occur around him.


White Claw 3 — The Way of the Sword

As the coalition built by Lady Shatira continues to try to defeat Suo-the-Red, the warlord who has brought ruin and devastation to the entire region, White Claw faces her greatest challenge yet: not only will she face the ruthless tyrant herself, but she will also have to prepare for an excrutiating confrontation with someone from her past. Thank goodness her faithful companions Lieutenant Bolt, Taho-The-Quick, and Master Foon are at her side when she needs them—not to mention her beautiful phoenix Ash.

Mister George 1

Mechanic George Price has fulfilled his American dream: business is good, and he’s married to his devoted Tracy. But after he has surgery to remove a brain tumor, he suffers unnerving memory loss and other psychological trauma. His doctor and father-in-law, Walt, claims they’re just normal post-op side effects. But a few chance occurrences and disturbing discoveries begin to convince George that he used to be somebody else, somewhere else… And reporter Jennifer Lee is convinced of the same thing. As George sets out to find his true identity, Jennifer launches an investigation that might turn into the scoop of her career, against the backdrop of a country threatened by terrorism.


Cassio 7 — The Goddess Awakens

Archeologist Ornella Grazzi doesn’t know what to expect when she finally meets with the mysterious man who’s summoned her to Paris. Billionaire Jon Vegham seems to be playing a complicated game of cat and mouse with her as he doles out clues not only about Ornella’s mother and her death from cancer, but also about Cassio, the potentially immortal Roman whom mother and daughter alike were researching. Meanwhile, in ancient Rome, new information about Cassio’s own mother, the goddess Armahl, brings him into conflict with his lover, the beautiful priestess Oasis, and his nemesis, the vengeful Egyptian priest Reptah.

Taxi Tales 1 — The Fragrant Lady

“The Fragrant Lady” is a tale that brings to life the recollections of an old gentleman in the back seat of Yalcin’s cab. The man tells of the time he spent with an enviable French woman named Floré during the silver age of Istanbul. His too-good-to-be-true story unravels with rich illustrations by Ergün Gündüz, which are throwbacks to the days of urban glamor in Beyoglu, in stark contrast with the current state of the district.
