European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Emma and Violette 3 — When the Glitter Fades Away

Violette’s dream is finally coming true… She’s dancing in “The Nutcracker” and preparing to tour with the Paris Opera Company. First stop: London! Filled with wonder, she starts to fantasize about the day when she might be the principal dancer on stage. She is soon overcome by the idea of dancing the starring role to perfection… at the risk of forgetting her own choreography! Emma is thrilled for her sister, but her own dreams seem so far away. How and when will she discover a path that’s right for her?

Glorious Summers 4 — The Runaway

After a difficult year marked by a loss in the family and some unexpected financial setbacks, the Faldéraults could use a break. But with Julie cramming for exams and Louis hell-bent on seeing Pink Floyd in concert, a family Christmas trip seems impossible. With the help of some friends, new and old alike, will Pierre and Madeleine manage to pull off one final, classic Faldérault vacation before 1979 comes to a close?

Mayam 2 — The Desert’s Tears

Lenny June’s got problems. It’s one thing when your boss thinks you’re an idiot, but another when he sends two religious fanatics to murder you. And they’re not the only threat: an interstellar assassin has killed his fiancée, and is running around in her body. What are they all after? Mysterious gemstones known as Eiam’s Tears. Even as Lenny tries to figure out why they’re so valuable, the race is on by land and sea and air to Eiam country, a barren wasteland banned centuries ago after a mythical catastrophe. Still, Lenny has the element of surprise. And a monk who thinks he’s a god…

Miss October 4 — A Cop and a Gentleman

With the Playboy Killer safely behind bars, all is well in the City of Angels… or is it? Not for one of the intended victims, the beautiful Viktor Scott, whose romantic life—dating Detective Clegg Jordan on the sly—is complicating her newfound hobby as a cat burglar. After all, he’s married, and she’s feeling more than a little guilty: her friend Juanita has long been Jordan’s lover. But when Jordan’s wife turns up dead, and the main suspect is his rival, the ambitious detective Ariel Samson, the stage is set for discord within the police ranks: a scandal that will tear the department apart, and the city with it.

Nelson 2 — Natural Disaster

Is it an earthquake? Is it a typhoon? No, it’s a disaster of the supernatural variety! Nelson, the unbearable imp who’s crashed into the lives of Julie, a pretty young singleton, and Floyd, her dimwitted Labrador, is back. And like a hole in the ozone layer, he’s turning up the heat. Nobody is safe from the little orange curse… especially not the contents of the refrigerator!

Pin-up 10 — The Case of Alfred H.

Last seen hunting aquatic snakes in Hawaii, Dottie is now an amateur detective in Los Angeles. On her first case, our favorite pin up finds herself searching for a mysteriously missing starlet, as she takes on a role in Alfred Hitchcock’s new thriller! After exploring the grisly Las Vegas underworld and the dark side of paradise, with this tenth installment the authors of Pin-Up offer a fascinating look at behind-the-scenes Hollywood, marked by murders worthy of the master of suspense himself.

Sherman 6 — Forgiveness: Jeannie

The six-part first arc of the “Sherman” saga comes to a stunning end as Jay Sherman races to save his estranged daughter Jeannie and find the mastermind behind his son’s assassination. This quintessentially self-made man has pulled himself up from the streets to become a powerful banker, but he’s made a lot of enemies along the way, from gangsters to jealous financiers to Nazi war criminals. But with all of them in FBI custody, who’s left now to pull the strings? Who’s been playing this twisted game of cat and mouse? Jay lays his life on the line to find out.


Aldo has been twenty-eight for three hundred years. Despite his long life, he still hasn’t developed very good social skills. His whole family has been dead now for a long while, and nobody believes he is immortal. As a result, he leads a lonely existence. He is afraid to love anything or anyone, except for his beautiful Alfa Romeo and his little pug Gustav. When he tries to seek professional help, there too the truth seems too absurd for words. But then he spots someone on television and recognizes him from an encounter two hundred years ago. And he decides to visit the man to get some answers.



Anton “Witko” Witkowski didn’t pull himself by his bootstraps. He punched his way up out of the projects where he was born, to world renown as middleweight champion. He’s larger-than-life, a force of nature. He gets what he wants. He taunts his opponents. He breaks up with women by leaving them a red Corvette. It’s his way or the highway. With violent colors, dynamic linework, and unflagging narrative drive, Baru delivers a masterful meditation on pride, loyalty, and manhood in a world where the system’s stacked against some people, and all they have is their friends—and their rage.



You better watch out. You better not cry. You better not sneeze. Why? Because Santa Claus comes to Houppeland every day! And here, Christmas decorations, trees, and wreaths are mandatory, as is having a clean bill of health. It’s a celebration, after all! A party! And everyone has to be happy and healthy… whether they want to or not. Otherwise they’ll have the merciless Jolly Fellow brigade to deal with. Prepare for a Christmas tale of nightmare proportions.
