European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

Superdupont 1 — The Revival

The unique and truly French super hero is back, like a phoenix from the ashes, to save France once again and to restore it to greatness in a world going to the dogs. Superdupont’s reboot gets a kick-start with the birth of his son who, astonishingly, has inherited the supernatural powers of his father. Perhaps together they can finally bring down the enemies of their wonderful homeland!


Roger and His Humans Volume 1

Things look like they might be starting to turn around for thirty-odd year old no-hoper Hugo, when he finds a robot in his house on his birthday. But, as he soon discovers, this is no birthday present (no one seems to have remembered to get him anything!), but the handiwork of his cousin, an engineer in the French army, who realized that the robot he had been building was designed to destroy humanity. Forced to hide out with Hugo, Roger – as he decides to call himself – must learn to live with humans… No mean feat!


Save Me Pythia Volume 1

Pythia lives in Delphi, in Ancient Greece, and between her classes at high school and her part-time job at the temple of Apollo, she leads quite a normal, boring life… until the day that she refuses Apollo’s advances and he places upon her a terrible curse. She is now able to predict the future, but whenever she sees a catastrophic event on the horizon, no one believes her warnings and she is helpless to stop it from taking place. However, her new skills draw the interest some of the highest authorities: Zeus, the king of the Gods, entrusts her with a mission. Zeus has fathered yet another bastard child, a boy named Xanthos, and his wife Hera is on the war path. Wherever Xanthos goes, she rains down misfortunes and disasters, but maybe Pythia’s prophecies could help the arrogant young Xanthos to survive the wrath of Hera.


Save Me Pythia Volume 2

So our motley crew continues on its path to glory (or destruction), as Xanthos, Zeus’ bastard son pursues his quest to become a hero, while Pythia tries desperately to keep him out of harm’s way with her prophesies. But now they’ve got company: Elecantha, a nymph from the underworld hired by Acacia to capture Pythia. Somehow they end up partaking in the renowned TV show ‘Antiquity’s Got Talent’, have a run in with a giant fox and a few minor disagreements with a group of centaurs. And that’s just the half of it. Never a dull moment where Pythia and Xanthos are concerned.


Save Me Pythia Volume 4

Pythia and the other residents of Delphi try their best to clear out their city. Meanwhile, Dionysis attempts to reinvent himself as a wine-taster. Completely drunk, Dionysis chugs down the city’s entire stock of wine. Apparently the gods can’t live together with mortals without causing trouble.


Save Me Pythia Volume 5

Back in Ancient Greece, not only have the Gods lost their powers, but the Titans—their vengeful ancestors—have escaped from prison. It’s all Xanthos’s fault. He may be Zeus’s son, but he has a knack for doing the wrong thing—despite warnings from Pythia, the beautiful young oracle who can predict only disaster. So now, the Titans’ ruthless leader, Cronus, who devoured his own children to stop them usurping him, is threatening to take over the world. Pythia and Xanthos have finally gotten their act together, but can they defeat Cronus or will he turn them into scroll-ends?


Pico Bogue 1 — Life and Me

Pico Bogue is the eldest child of a normal family, and when we say ‘normal’, we mean unique, quirky and occasionally just stark raving mad! Along with his little sister Anna, Pico goes through life with as many certainties as he has questions, making the kind of pertinent observations that only children are capable of. Sometimes challenging, always loveable, there’s no end to Pico’s mischief, much to the amusement, exasperation and surprise of his long-suffering parents!


Pico Bogue 2 — Critical Situations

Pico Bogue is a little boy with a sharp tongue, who’s interested in absolutely everything, and is constantly questioning his surroundings and the meaning of life. He’s as impertinent as he is affectionate, and as contradictory as he is curious. He’s been known to drive his parents to the brink of nervous breakdown with is antics, but somehow always manages to redeem himself by virtue of his big heart and charming wit.
