European Comics in Official and Fan Translations

IAN 4 — Metanoia

A year has passed since the Los Angeles riots, but Ian is still being hunted by the Pentagon. Extremely hostile treatment by the media has also made him a favoured target of a majority of American citizens. Tracked down by an ambitious reporter, the android gets in touch with an eccentric billionaire who promises to tell him what the Nome is – that super-powerful artificial entity with whom he seems to have a mysterious bond… A merciless cascade of new revelations follows…


Gunblast Girls 1 — In Your Face Loser!

Heroines who fear neither God nor man, these big-hearted bad girls will take you to every corner of the known universe. Assuming, obviously, that a universe has four corners: there might just be a multitude! You’ll follow them through multiple layers of the space-time continuum. Fasten your seatbelts, because adventure for these ladies is a game who’s purpose is to live at the speed of light. That said: light-speed is for oldsters!


Distant Worlds Episode 1

18 year old Paul, his mother and his sister land on Altair-4, a recently established human colony. They expect to be reunited with Paul’s father there and start a new life, but he doesn’t show up to welcome them at the spaceport… Later, they are rescued from a gang of thugs by a Stepanerk, a member of a sentient alien species. An encounter that will prove invaluable to Paul when he decides to go and look for his father…


Distant Worlds Episode 2

Gone to look for his missing father, Paul reaches the algae fields, which hold within them one of the greatest treasures of the planet Altair-3: magnificent pearls. Paul manages to get hired on to work the fields, in hopes of finding some trace of his father. But the Stepanerk, a powerful and intelligent alien creature, is no longer there to watch over him… The second volume of a very promising science-fiction series by Leo and Icar.


Distant Worlds Episode 3

Abandoned in a hostile wilderness, Paul has been rescued by a biologist, Mr. Amid. The scientist is studying the pearls that are Altair’s true wealth – and more particularly the plants that produce them and that appear to be dying off. Amid offers to take on Paul as his assistant, but the young man is still looking for his father. As he follows the trail, Paul becomes tougher and more inured to life on his new planet – and to human nature.


Distant Worlds Episode 4

Paul has learned that his father died in an accident – then, a few days later, he sees him pass by in a car, alive and well! Shaken by the discovery, the young man continues his investigation and eventually manages to track him down. Unfortunately, that merely causes him to share in his father’s serious troubles… Meanwhile, an increasing number of strange phenomena plague Altair – and awake the interest of the alien Stepanerks…


Distant Worlds Episode 5

The Stepanerks, those strange aliens who sometimes mingle with Humans, have contacted another, as yet undiscovered, alien species that has been guarding Altair for centuries. Those guardians want to forcefully evict the Humans, who are doing terrible damage to the ecosystem. But Paul, an unwitting “guest” at their meeting, defended Humanity’s right to a second chance. It now falls to him to convince the Human colonial authorities to change everyone’s behaviour…


The Beast 1 — The Dormant Beast

New York 2023. Nike, the hero of The Dormant Beast, has a prodigious memory, and he uses his gift to try to understand his past as a Yugoslav orphan, as well as his violent and chaotic present, where obscurantism has become a flourishing business of worldwide manipulation. A haunting and captivating work by one of the foremost graphic novel artists in the world.


Nikopol Trilogy

The original French titles of the series are La Foire aux immortels (1980), La Femme piège (1986), and Froid Équateur (1992), which in 1995 were collected together in a single volume entitled Trilogie Nikopol.

This trilogy was published in English in 1999 as a single volume - The Nikopol Trilogy by Humanoids Publishing.
